There's A Storm Comming

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On the bayou you can always tell when a storm is coming. Dark clouds, wind, rain, and some say when the fish don't bite are all warning signs. So the next day when the snow and didn't let up I should have taken it to be a sign.

(Bucky POV)

"One day off was all I was asking for Steve." I groaned.

"Sorry man but we just got this information at it directly involves you and all of us."

I sat down on the couch pulling Ema unto my lap. Sam rolled his eyes at me and Clint just snorted get a room under his breath. I gave him a go to hell look and mumbled under my breath "that what I was planning to do today" as Ema rested her head on my metal shoulder.

"So what's up Cap?" Sam said.

"Zola. At least his formula. It's surfaced again close to Vienna." I stiffened with his words. Ema looked up and turned to me with a concern look on her face and grabbed my hand.

"I thought you guys took care of that a couple years ago." Natasha spoke up. It sent me an icy chill down my spine. That battle was not one I would soon forget.

"So Zola's formula is back in play and we have to stop it before any more people are comprised." Ema said. Steve nodded. "So what's the game plan? How long do we have?"'

"We have a jump on them," Steve said. "Maybe a couple of weeks. So let's get going we got training and planning to do." He began to stand up.

"No. I'll do this myself. It's my battle and I don't want to see another fight like we had several years ago." I said firmly.

"You got to be kidding me?" Natasha snorted. Ema looked at me like I had lost it.

"Not on your life James. You listen to me. You are not going on a suicide mission to stop these guys. Not after last nig. . .," Ema's voice trailed off as she looked at my angary. I knew what she was getting at.

I huffed. "Not a suicide mission doll just don't plan on getting innocent people hurt."

"Steve, talk some sense into please." She said almost begging.

"Buck, can't let you go along and I won't let you go along." Steve said looking at me rubbing his neck.

"If he goes, I'm going. You know I just do what he does. Just slower." Sam said as he stood up.

"Guess I'm outnumbered on this one." I said not really wanting them to be involved.

"Damn right." I heard Ema say. I turned my head toward her and rolled my eyes.  She shook her head at me.

"Lighten up some Sergeant." She said and then gave me a kiss to hush me up. Clint rolled laughing falling off the couch. Sam just mumbled something about you too really just need to get a room, Natasha and Steve busted out laughing and I turned red from the neck up.

(Ema POV)

Things had begun to get to serious. He needed a distraction and I knew I could cause one. Bucky had just said he was outnumbered on this one.

"Damn right," I said as sassy as I could.  Natasha gave me a slight smile almost with a giggle.  Watch this a mouthed to her. I know how to shut him up. Bucky looked and was about to say something until I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him hard. My tongue found his mouth and I gave him a kiss that I normally did only when we were in private. By the time we stopped kissing the whole group was laughing. Bucky was red from the neck down speechless.

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