Fight For It

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Fall had finally arrived to New York. That meant changes in weather, leaves and missions. Now this might not be new for those who actually experience these wonders, however for me being from Louisiana this was a real change. I was usually in shorts to past Halloween, now I was pulling my favorite fall outfits. Today it was an my tall brown boots, brown leggings, and my favorite longer silk shirt.

The compound was too quiet today allowing me to finish my reports in record time, especially since my workload had been cut down to just one person instead of three being that Steve and Natasha were in Nepal. Therefore, I wondered the compound discovering various labs, visiting with Tony who had made one of his rare appearances and now working my way to the private gym that belonged to two super soldiers. As I approached it I heard music as well as the muffled hits of a punching bag. I smiled knowing who was already in there, I stood leaning against the door frame biting my lip while watching Bucky hit a boxing bag into pieces. His chestnut hair pulled up half way. His body covered with a maroon tee shirt while a pair of dark gray sweatpants hung low on his waist. He hung another bag onto the chain and began yet another brutal attack on it as I watched from the doorway. He was focused as sweat ran down the side of his face. I bit my bottom lip watching him train.

I decided he needed a break. Training is great, but I think I could offer a distraction. I quietly walked up behind him and put my arms around his waist. I felt Bucky stiffened for a moment but a smirk appeared on his face. A couple of lighter hits on the bag occurred as I hung onto his waist.

"Does this mean your coming to train with me?" He asked punching the bag some as his blue orbs found my eyes in the gym mirror wall. I gave him a flirtatious smile.

"Not a chance solider. Just taking in the view." His chest rumbled with amusement as he gave the bag a few more lighter hits. I bit my lip again as I watched his eyes dart from me to the punching bag. I moved his shirt up to the middle of his back and began kissing and licking up his back and back down to his waist. Bucky immediately stopped what he was doing and placed his hands on the bag with his eyes closed. He breathed deeply. By the third time, of me moving my lips up his back he was tired of my teasing. Within a matter of seconds, I found myself spun around against the gym mirrored wall. His lips crashing into mine making sure his tongue explored my mouth. The kiss deep and full of desire that I hadn't felt from him before.

My hands distinctly went to his hair as I moaned out his name almost like a prayer. "Ja-mes." Bucky broke the kiss and looked me up down.

(Bucky POV)

"Always hated being called James but god I love the way you say it." I licked his lips and looked at Ema. "I have been meaning to ask you something now for a while now," I reached my right hand over my neck taking off my dog tags before placing it around her hers. "Would you to be my best girl?" Our foreheads now touching.

"I think you already know my answer sergeant," she said as she reached up and gently stroked my face.

"Want to hear it from you Doll."

"Yes, James. I'm yours," she said with a smile. I looked into her eyes and then closed them as she kissed me.

(October... Ema POV)

Bucky had taken over a small apartment in the compound so that when he came home late from a mission he could crash there for the night. It also helped him if he needed to get away from everyone. Over the last month, I had seen him struggle with PTSD and helped him as much as I could. I found him there late one morning watching T. V. He asked me to stay with him as I curled up to him on his leather couch watching his newest favorite movies the Die Hard trilogy. By the middle of the second movie he had fallen asleep with his arm draped over me in a protective manner. Three missions in less than a month had him exhausted. "Baby let me up," I groaned as I tried to move his left arm off me.

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