Missions for Two?

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Back at our apartment I had showered and changed into shot shots and one of his henley. I pushed up the sleeves of his shirt and began drying the ends of my hair with my towel. I stopped and looked up as I heard the bathroom door click open. He walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist, still clearly aggravated with me. He leaned against the door from supporting his hurt leg crossing his arms. Bucky took several breaths trying to calm himself before he spoke. His eyes right on me.

"So exactly why were you there?" He question in his task force tone.

"Like I told you, helping to save your crazy butt." I nodded toward his leg. "Plus Steve needed back up and no one else was available." I continued in a calm but crisp tone.

"Ema, tell me exactly than how am I expose to protect you if you insist on going out on missions?" I gave a little huff.

"Mission, James not missions. However when it comes down to comin to help you when someone asks me to no one is going to stop me.  Anyway if Steve didn't think I could have handled it I wouldn't have been there. Besides the fact that you all have been training me for almost a year now so I can go into the field."

"It doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't have been there." He said flatly.

"Ok so I now am just to go on missions if you are on the team. I'll let Steve know that." I rolled my eyes.

"That is not what I'm saying."

"I know but let me ask you this if the situation had been turned around what would you have done?"

Bucky let out a sigh. " I would have come for you and probably would kill the bastard that hurt you."

"Exactly my point Buck. I helped the way I could. Except for the killing thing I mean could you see me with a M429 ?" I said wavering my hand for emphasis. I said my voice now calm. Bucky snickered at me.

"M249." He said correcting me. "And no I couldn't see you with that. I mean you freaked out when you saw mine laying on the counter and. . ." I stood up walking over to the bathroom door to hang up my towel.

"No I did that because I thought you were really hurt and they didn't tell me anything." I pouted. I offered my hand to him so I could help him sit down on the bed. He let me help him. "And I stayed because you were hurt like now." I teased as I applied a new dressing to his leg. Bucky flinched a little in pain.

"No you stayed because I asked you and than showed you why you did stay."

"Buck-ey!" I looked at him gaping.

"And said my name like that many times as well that night." He laughed. I stood resting my hands on his shoulders.

"You know I still have that dress in there." I said biting my lip for effect.

"I don't need the dress Doll. I could just take back my shirt right now." His blue eyes darted over me as he rubbed his right hand on my back under his shirt.

"You need to rest Sargent", I said as I picked his boxers up off the bed and handed them to him. "Your injury won't heal until you rest." I gave him a chase kiss on his lips. "Rest, and then maybe you can get back your shirt" I teased leaving him to change. 

I closed the door taking a deep breath. This man could give me heaven and hell at the same time. Realization hit me, he was right. Missions or life all of this was nothing without him. He asked me why I was there, but I never had given him a direct answer. I turned and opened our bedroom door. He looked at me in surprise as I ran to him placing my arms around him. "Ema, baby what's wrong?" 

"You asked me why I was there today," he gave me a little nod, "By now you should know that I would come for you no matter where you were. I would fight, lie, and give my life just for you.  Your my world." I kissed him like my life depended on it. Desperate, needy, and full of love. When we broke the kiss, I stood there waiting, waiting for him to understand. 

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asked in a wispier. "I'm just an assassin from Brooklyn."

"No I fell in love with the man. You. Not your job, you, and I thank God daily for it." 

"Like I said, what did I do to deserve you?" He asked smiling at me. I just shook my head.

"I guess you are just dam lucky James ." I said with a little laugh. 

"Sure am." I kissed him again softly as I pushed back on the bed. He looked up at me with dark eyes. My hair falling around his face as I looked down at him.


"Ya honey."

"I love you."

"I love you to printesa mea." (my princess) I moved my hands over his abs kissing his neck. He closed his eyes as I continued as a small moan escaped his lips. That night we made love. Slowly. Fully. Completely. I fell asleep nested in his arms my head on his chest as he played with my hair.

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