No Secrets

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After leaving his office I had to blow off steam. So I grabbed Natasha for some girl talk. Several hours later  we had managed to polish off a bottle of wine and needed another one. "I'm out," I said giving a little pout before turning the glass upside down to empathize my point. Natasha giggled as she sat on her bar stool taking her last couple of sips.

"So what are you going to do Ema? He loves you and I know you love him. If you want my opinion. . ." She was cut off by my phone ringing now for the 10th time. Natasha picked it up off the bar and looked at it. "It's him again," she gave a huff and handed it to me. "Answer it please," she begged. I just shook my head no and she placed it down again. "So exactly how long are you going to avoid him Em?"

"Long enough to get at least another bottle of wine from my apartment. Come on let's go." I gave her a smirk as her green eyes shined.

Ten minutes later Natasha and I had made the walk back to my apartment. The moon bright and the wind as chilly as my attitude.

"I mean what does he think we have? This is a real relationship!" Natasha looked at me in awe .

"You know your both wrong. But since he is the master of shutting people out and the fact he's been acting like a ass for the last three days, I am backing you up. Especially since you have the wine." She said with a slight laugh.

"Thank you!" I spoke a little higher then normal.

"But, Ema you are right about this being a real relationship and you can't fight him on this. Just hear him out."

"Yes, yes I know," I mumbled. Does the man have a death wish or something?" I huffed.

"No. He has a life wish with you. He just should have talked about his decision first with you. That way you wouldn't have been blindsided."

"I know but I'm not ready to talk to him yet."

"You know you left him standing there in his office. I still can't believe you threw his tags at him."

"Yep. He deserved it too. You had ought to have saw the look on his face when I did th-". I stoped abruptly seeing the scene in front of us. There stood one James Barns with his phone in his head pacing in front of my door.

I stared blankly at him as Natasha mumbled, "I hope you are ready to talk to him Ema because I think someone is waiting for you at your door. Text me later." She  turned on her heal and left me to walk the rest of the way up to my door.

"Good evening Sargent Barns." I said coldly as I climbed up the stairs to my small deck. Bucky moved so I could unlock my door.

"Really?! Good evening Sargent Barns! He mumbled with a growl. Is that all you have to say to me darling?! Where were you!?" His anger still boiling but keeping his poker face on as he spoke.

"Like you said, I don't have to discuss anything with you!" I hissed looking at him again, as I opened my door. I turned and immediately shut it in his face locking it behind me. I leaned back against the door, crossing my arms and resting my foot on it.

"Let me in, Doll. We need to talk." He said as he knocked hard on my door.

"Do you really that is going to work Barns? Hell just knock it down with your fist while don't ya!?"

"You know I'm not goin ta do that Em." His Sargent tone radiating through the door. I took a deep breath before replying in a tone just as crisp as his.

"So talk then. You're the one that decided on this crazy mission plan by yourself and you surly didn't bother to tell me anything." I said kicking the door for emphasis. "This is a relationship dammit! We talk things out and I thought made plans together. I mean do you really think I was going to support this crazy idea of yours? You tell me you want to marry me then go off on a crazy mission so you can get your ass killed. We talk about everything else."

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