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Zhi Ruo's POV

Another day, another cleaning.

I'm so tired of getting up this early just to go to school and clean.

Right now, I'm holding a bucket full of water along with a mop and a sponge—heading to the basketball court.

It is kind if a new thing for me to see couple of guys playing basketball this early. But well it must've been the players. Or they call themselves the Jocks, sports minded person.

I went to the other side of the court then started mopping the floor.

"I just hope the ball don't hit my face." I mumble.


I screamed at the top of my lungs when the ball landed almost in front of me. Thank goodness I quickly run.

I could hear few guys laughed on me.

Well yeah? Just because they're player—

"Miss could you toss it back to us?" One of the guys asked.

I bend down and threw it at them. "I'm just trying to clean here misters, so please mind me."

When I shift my attention towards mopping the floor. I got knocked over.

This time around the ball actually hit the back of my head. Which if it was thrown hard it could be a serious case.

I balled my fist from anger and turned around, "Seriously?"

The guys; they were actually masculine and most of them are about six foot tall BUT they're just nothing but a rude persons.

"Oops." The same exact guy from earlier mouthed.

"Bro, I think she's mad now.." The other one said.

I tilt my head, "I am, why are you guys so rude? I was only doing my task so please leave me alone."

The guy with a bandana on his head took a step forward. "We're rude? Oh no, miss you missed the point. Actually—we're not tryna be rude to you. We're just making sure you know your place."

What an idiot? I'm only here for cleaning. To basically mop floors and put away the trash.

"Know my place? I know my place, mister. I'm just here to clean." I walked out.

The guy reached for my collar and pulled me back. I got dragged by him, "I'm still talking to you."

"Hey, Xiao Liu-"

"Let go of me." I said, it didn't took a while and then he spun me around. His eyes grew wider when he looked at me.

"What, now?" I asked.

"Oh no, Liu what did you do?" They started walking away. AND I have no idea what is going on.

The next thing I knew is that I can feel my nostril getting a bit hotter as if it was burning then something came out.


It fell right to my newly washed blouse and across my skirt.

I quickly went to the nearest vendo machine and buy myself a piece of tissue.

Definitely a way to start a good day.


Dylan Wang's POV

"You will what?!" Caesar spattered his drink. Connor jumped away, "Bro this coat cost a lot!"

"But I didn't put a stain on it. Chill." Caesar said before turning again to me.

PLEASE NOT BE HIM | Dylan WangWhere stories live. Discover now