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Zhi Ruo's POV

"You should go in first." Dylan scratches the back of his head.

"No you should go first." I refused.

"You should."

"No, you should."

"Oh come on, you should go in."

"No, you first."

"Hey, head first."

I heaved a sigh, I gave up there's no point arguing with him.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

"I won." Dylan laughs as he forcefully push me inside.

I move his arms away as if I was like doing karate, protecting myself while walking backwards.

"Stop doing that." He paused, "freaking weird Ruo."

I poke my tongue out. "I'm not weird."

Dylan just shrugs and went to his door.


As soon as I got inside I quickly slip off my shoes then I went to the kitchen. Ma is currently settling down for dinner and Pa just come out from the bathroom.

"Oh hey, honey. I'm glad you're here." Pa mouthed.

I smiled.

"It's about time to eat dinner, take a sit." Ma ordered me.

"What's that?" She looked at the plastic bag that I placed above the table just beside me.

"Oh, these are the stuffs that Dylan bought for me," I said earning a chuckle from Pa.

It was weird, so weird in many ways. He isn't mad or anything—

"I have a huge feeling about this.." Pa clasped his hands, "Does he likes you?"

"Lei." Ma called him by his name, wow. That's a shocker, Ma would call him by his name if she's mad or serious.

"What? There's nothing wrong for Ruo going out with someone, right?"

Really? Pa? As far as I know he's one of the most not so cool about me dating a guy.

"It's a good way for her to get a date to her prom by the end of the year.."

Now I know.

"That's your point? Huh?" Ma shoved me the rice spoon. "Ruo is fine enough to get asked by someone when prom time comes."

"Yeah right." I sarcastically agreed.

"But seriously, wouldn't it be great of you and Dylan got paired up again?"

I rolled my eyes. "Pa, can we not mention his name here?"

The three of us ended up in great silence. We just ate our dinner and then I went upstairs to get ready for bed.

Even if my father wanted me to be with him, I don't think his parents would want me.


Dylan Wang's POV

I was too tired enough to greet Mr, Zhi so I decided I will be seeing him tomorrow when I drop off Ruo.

Yes, I won't let her walk home by herself after what happened earlier this evening.

Just like I said, She's my responsibility now.

I drop my bag to the side, followed by the coat and flop to my soft bed.

Bzz bzz

My phone vibrated and I immediately looked at it.

Mom calling. . .

I picked it up as I sat up on my bed, head rested on the headboard.

"Hey son.."

Dylan's heart moved a bit, it's been a while since his mother talked to him.

"Hi mom."

"How are you? Are you doing good there? Huh?"

"Yes, I'm doing really great, what made you call me by the way?"

"Oh, uhm..I called you because I'd like to check up on your grades, son."

"Huh? What about it?"

"Well, your father and I talked about your future and soon enough you'll be entering college and we wanted to make sure that you're doing well in your class."

"We want you to focus on your studies so that your father will be able to take you to the states and study college..there."

"So this is why you called me? After few months of not visiting me?"

"Dylan, we've talked about this. There's no need to act like a child here, I will visit you once I finish work and I want you to follow what I'm asking you, is that clear?"

I ended the phone call—I am pretty sure that she knew what I meant.

It's either yes or no.

Just when I thought I had a good day..

I just don't understand why are they like this.

They were too busy preparing for my future without even knowing that their son also needed some care and attention from them.

But all I know is that I had no choice.

I have to follow my parents.
3rd Person's POV

Dylan shift his gaze on the wall clock while drinking a glass of water.

12:47 AM

He's worried sick about Ye Hua not answering his calls. She told him that she will be hanging out with her friends—it  is alright for him but she should be home before midnight.

It's now midnight and there were no phone calls and so whatever from Ye Hua which made him feel uneasy.


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