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Zhi Ruo's POV

It's been bothering me. The kiss. I spent my whole weekend thinking about it. Gosh, what the heck is actually going on?

"Earth to Ruo." Ai Ren snickers.


"That thing has been bothering you? Eh?"

"What thing?"

"Ugh. The kiss the—" I immediately put my hand on her mouth. I'd be so dead if Dylan heard it.

"Calm down, I wasn't thinking about the..the kiss." I whispered to her while I secretly kept my gaze to Pineapple head.

He's not being alone today, he's with a 'friend'

Ai Ren took my hand away. "Pff, you're overacting. If there's no meaning to that then why are you being like this?"

Right. I don't even know why. It's just—the way our lips touched in the very short amount of time is oddly satisfying? Oh hell no.

"Ugh, nevermind." I said before turning my head to the front.

As if on cue, our Arts teacher Mr. Tig got inside the class. Everyone runs to their desk and settled down.

Dylan took his seat beside me. I could feel a poke on my arms by Ai Ren and I seriously want to grab her hair at this very moment. Such a teaser.

"OK. Class, I have a very exciting news to all of you!" Mr. Tig said while clasping his hand.

I rolled my eyes to heaven, well usually when he said 'exciting news' he meant an undying practice during afternoon, after school and taking away our free time during weekends because of his 'play'

"The last activity that you will be doing in my subject for your last year in High School is.." He paused, "Role play!"

Crickets. No one reacted, it's completely bothersome.

"Everyone? Well it's OK. I prepared list of kids favorite Disney stories."

"WHAT?!" Everyone blurts in sync.

"Uhuh, kids you will pick just one princess story. Then you will have to collab with the younger grades."

"Who's going to pick?" Mr. Tig said. "Perhaps the class muse?"

I gawk. Why me?

"Hey, you said you're the class muse. Why aren't you going there?" Dylan chuckled.

"I am, watch me." I said.

Once I got to Mr. Tig's table, he handed me a cap with bunch of folded papers in it. I have to pick one and I was legit praying that I'm not getting a cringey story.

Everyone loves princess and prince story but— we're young adults already.

"Unfold it." Mr. Tig said. I gulped. "Read it loud to everyone." He added.

I widen my eyes as soon as I read the first word. "S-now White and The Seven Dwarfs."

Everyone sighed in frustration. I almost faint at the front.

Mr. Tig took the paper off my frozen hands then flipped it over, revealing another writings.

"With collaboration with the Grade 11 students."

Everyone again, cooed. They knew Ye Hua is in there. They just knew.

"You can now go back to your seat." Mr. Tig said.

I slowly walked back and sat down.

"Another kiss is going to happen, yeah?" Ai Ren said while grabbing my shoulder.

I just wish I'm going to be one of the dwarfs.

"Miss Ruo?" Mr. Tig called me out. I stand up quickly, "Yes, sir?"

"You're the Snow White." He said.


(A/N) I'm finally back in writing! I'm super duper sorry for being inactive for a week. ☹️

I've been through stressful examinations period and my first heartbreak 💔

I have to be honest it freaking hurt, a lot. But I have to move on. Lol 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyways, my update routine is still the same so please look forward to them.

Thank you so much for waiting and reading this story.

I miss Dylan very very much, well not just them but the whole cast as well.

I miss Dylan very very much, well not just them but the whole cast as well

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PLEASE NOT BE HIM | Dylan WangWhere stories live. Discover now