All the Luv In My Sick Heart

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Don't know how you do it 
Like there's nothing to it but 
You make my heart feel like dancing.


Twenty-two didn't seem like a big deal.

At least to Finn it didn't. He didn't understand why Millie and his friends were so excited. They wanted to throw a huge party, something even bigger than Caleb and Noah's. Finn had told them no though. He really just wanted to spend the day home and maybe have some cake later. Millie had practically begged though, so they had compromised and decided to just have their close friends and family over.

"Happy Birthday to you!" He heard Millie and Grace's voices sing together. He looked away from Mark and a smile broke across his face as they walked into the room with a cake being held between them. The candles were lit and Finn sat up straighter as they set it down in front of him. Everyone had joined in and they finished the song, eagerly waiting for Finn to blow out his candles.

"Make a wish!" Millie said and Finn looked up to where she was standing in front of him, Scout now in her arms with a wagging tail. He smiled and looked down, making a wish in his head before blowing out the candles.

"What'd you wish for?" Grace asked enthusiastically.

"I can't tell you, it won't come true then," Finn laughed.

Grace sighed, "Please?"

She drew the word out, making Finn groan and nod. She plopped onto the couch next to him and he leaned over to whisper in her ear. She rolled her eyes when he did and pulled away.

"You're such a sap."


"Enjoy your day birthday boy?" Millie asked as she and Finn picked up the empty plates and cups in the living room.

Finn nodded, "I did, thank you."

They continued to pick up everything in silence, Millie occasionally glancing up to look at Finn.

"You okay?" She asked.

He nodded, "I'm exhausted. It was a long day and Christmas is in two days."

"Relax, everything will be fine," Millie said pushing Finn towards the couch. She sat him down and she climbed into his lap, hanging her legs off the side of his and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"It's the first Christmas at our house though. I want it to be as good as Christmas at my parents, you know?"

Millie nodded, "And it will be, I'll make sure of it just for you."

Finn sighed as Millie began to run her hands through his tangled curls. He closed his eyes, basking in the comfort of Millie's hands. He had been stressed lately because of the deadline for the album and Millie knew that. She had been trying to get most things done so that he could focus, even if that meant him locking himself in the music room for hours at a time.

"It has to be perfect."

Finn repeated the words to her almost every day, and she always nodded and left him alone while he figured it out. She didn't even really see the big deal about it, but if it was important to Finn then it was important to her. He wasn't really letting his bandmates help him either. He wanted to write the song himself because it was for Millie, and he wanted to be able to put what he felt into words.

"Don't fall asleep yet," Millie giggled as Finn's eyes started to shut. He opened them up and yawned as Millie took her hands away from his hair and gave him a smirk. She leaned in and kissed him slowly, surprising him a little at first. She pulled away and  leaned her forehead against his.

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