I Get Lonely Too

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"Hello! Thank you for using TalkBuddy! We are currently working very hard to find the perfect Buddy for you! Please stay on the line."

It's 3 AM. You don't know why you're doing this. If you're being perfectly honest, you're feeling lonely right now. You had a date lined up this evening, but they totally ghosted on you. Now, you're wallowing. You saw a commercial for TalkBuddy on MTV. You know it's rising in popularity because everyone's talking about it on social media. And you figure what's the harm in trying it out? However, you're a little worried that TalkBuddy is just another one of those strange sex chat lines.

"Remember! You can always ditch your Buddy at any time by pressing 9 on your phone's keypad. Your safety is our top priority." You're able to mimic the automated voice. You've heard this tip about five times already. You're beginning to wonder if there's even a "Buddy" out there for you.

The line clicks, snapping you back to reality. You hear the cheerful automated voice through your phone's speaker. "We've found your perfect Buddy! Please wait while we connect you with your Buddy!" Your heart skips a beat.

"Hello?" The new voice is high-pitched and whiny; almost babyish. "I'm lonely. Please keep me company?"

You quickly punch 9.

You're greeted once again by the friendly automated voice from before. "Hello! Thank you for using TalkBuddy! We are currently working very hard to find the perfect Buddy for you! Please stay on the line."

This time, you're connected with your new Buddy fairly quickly. You steel yourself for whatever you are about to hear.

"Hello?" This new voice is definitely male. His voice is low and smooth. "Anyone there?"

"Y–yeah; here I am." Your face flushes as your words come out in a jumbled rush.

"Oh, good." The voice on the other end sounds relieved. "Can you hear me okay? The hotel I'm at has horrible reception."

"I can hear you perfectly," you reply. "Can I get your name?"

"My name is Namjoon. What's yours?"

"My name's..." You hesitate for a moment. Should you really give a complete stranger your name? Your mind flashes back to all those elementary school assemblies on "Stranger Danger". You shake your head. "My name is Y/N."

"I like your name; it's cute." Namjoon's voice holds the subtle note of a smile in its pitch.
"So what made you get on TalkBuddy tonight?"

"Um, actually, I got stood up," you say, a note of sadness creeping into your voice. You bite your lip. "So, I'm kinda in my Feelings right now." You feel your heart sink slightly in your chest. You've been ghosted before. You don't understand why this particular incident is having an effect on you.

"Oh." You can hear the sympathy in Namjoon's voice. "I'm sorry. People can be such assholes."

"Yeah," you reply, sighing. "But it's fine. Screw him."

"Exactly," Namjoon murmurs. "I've always heard that 'what's for you, won't go past you'. So try not to dwell on it too much."

"That's true." You feel a weight lift off your chest. "Enough about me though. Why are you here?"

"Ah," Namjoon chuckles, you can hear a hint of embarrassment in the sound. "I was lonely. I'm on tour at the moment. I have seven members, but for some reason, I still felt lonely even with them. It's like even though I have my job as an Idol where it seems like my every move is scrutinized by everyone, and I have fans literally screaming my name, I get lonely too."

"I think I can understand that," you murmur. "I feel like that sometimes, too. It's like, you feel alone in a room full of people. But, for the moment, we have each other." Your face flushes. You've said something embarrassing to a complete stranger.

"That's right," Namjoon agrees; you can hear the smile in his voice. "We're not alone anymore."

Your conversation drifts to less serious topics; and you find yourself relaxing. "Hey," you murmur as you slip into bed. "I was honestly expecting this chat line to be weird. But I'm glad you're my Buddy—for a little while, at least."

"Me too," Namjoon replies. "Would it be weird if I gave you my number? I can send you a picture of myself so you know I'm not a creep." He laughs.

"I'd definitely be into that, Namjoon." You feel a big smile creep into your face.

This one was short and sweet! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Are there any types of one-shots you'd like me to write about Namjoon? Please let me know!

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