Walk Me Home *Min Yoongi*

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You look out at the sea of cars in the pick-up lane outside of school, but you don't see your big sister's car anywhere. She should be here, where is she? She promised that she'd be first in line to pick you up from school. You were supposed to go out for Frappuccinos, get your nails painted, and go to Barnes & Noble for new books. You've been looking forward to today since last week; especially because it's your birthday. But she's not here.

Soon, you're one of the only kids left sitting out front. Anxiety starts to gnaw in your belly. Eventually you decide to walk home. It's not too far, right? Yeah, you can totally walk home by yourself! Besides, you're seven now; that's practically a grown-up! You take a deep breath, adjust the plastic birthday tiara on your head, and look over at one of the teachers standing nearby. She's talking to a group of students. She probably wouldn't notice if you just walked away from campus right now.

You bite your lip before getting to your feet and clutching your lunchbox tighter in your hand. As you walk away from school, your heart is beating a mile a minute. Your parents always told you to never walk home. "There are bad people out there, Baby. You can't walk home alone." You can hear their warning echoing in your memory. You know they'd be upset if they found out.

"Hey! Wait!" The sudden voice from behind you makes you jump. Your heart leaps into your throat. Oh no, you think to yourself. What if they're a kidnapper?! Oh, please don't let them take me, please, please, please!! "Hey!" The voice sounds again, closer now. You shoot a fearful glance over your shoulder as you pick up your pace.

"Wait up!" A boy is jogging after you. He looks to be about a year or two older than you. This causes you to relax a bit. You stop where you are and allow him to come up beside you. "Are you going home?"

"Yeah," you reply.

"But, don't you usually get picked up? What happened?" He hoists his backpack up higher on one shoulder as he walks.

"My sister was supposed to get me today, but she didn't show up." As you think about her forgetting you, your eyes begin to fill with tears. You shake your head as you fight to keep them back. You can't cry like a baby in front of this older kid! No way!

"It's okay." The boy's voice is gentle. "I'll walk you home. Do you know where you live?"

You nod, feeling relief flood your chest. "It's a little far, though."

"Don't worry." He smiles down at you. "I walk home all the time. It's not scary."

As the two of you walk, the boy tells you about his friends, and a new video game that's supposed to come out soon. You feel a sense of calm wash over you as you continue to be near him.

"What's your name?" you ask.

"Oh, my name's Yoongi. Min Yoongi. What's yours?"

"Y/N." You smile up at him.

As you make your way through a park, a group of older boys call out to Yoongi from a nearby basketball court. "Yoongi! Let's play a pickup game!"

"I can't right now," Yoongi calls back. "I have to take her home."

Your face flushes; you can feel the heat radiate in your ears. You duck your head.

"Aww! Come on! Just a quick game!" the boys plead.

"Sorry," Yoongi replies, raising his hand in farewell. "Come on." He leads you along by the wrist.

"Sorry you couldn't play with them," you murmur.

"Nah." Yoongi says, waving his hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. They play every day. It's no big deal."

"Okay." You bite your lip. You feel bad about dragging him away from his friends. After a moment, you shake your head. "Yoongi."

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