Meeting Derek

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"Lost again!" I thought to myself and I recognized the feeling of my two best buddies frustration and confusion taking over my mind. I'd been sure I'd followed all the right signs on the road, why had my sense of  direction not been developed in my brain yet?! I tried to convince myself that I had still made the right choice when I decided to move from Denmark to the US to start my life over. Ever since the accident... No, I didn't want to think about it, not now.. It was time to focus on the future and finding the right road to Beacon Hills. It had already turned dark, so my odds had been lowered quite a bit! Back in Denmark, my former teacher had helped me finding a job in the US, she had some international contacts who'd only been speaking good of Beacon Hills, and I grabbed the opportunity and packed my stuff and took off. "What the....?" The car was out of gas, of course! Just what I needed! And I didn't have any handy phone numbers to call a service that could help me. I parked the car on the side on the road and got outside. The night was still and warm, so I didn't mind taking a break from driving. I decided not to panic... yet..

I climbed onto the hood of the car, I had always dreamed of doing that, they always do it in the movies! I started to sing one of my favorite Danish children songs hoping someone would hear me. I didn't have to sing second verse before I saw some lights further down the road. "SALVATION!" I squealed and jumped down from the hood of the car and started waving at the lights apporaching me. I had been kinda used to talk loudly to myself ever since I became all alone in the world. The car slowed down and parked on the other side of the road. A guy with black hair stood out of the car. He was about my age and a bit taller than me, or at least that was the conclusion I was able to settle in the dark. 

"Hello, is something wrong?" he asked very directly.

"Hello. And yes, my car is out of gas and... I'm lost... You shouldn't happen to have the phone number for some kind of.. service?" I asked. I couldn't hide my embarrasment.

"Uhm.. yes.. I do, but that won't be necessary. I have some extra gas in the back of my car." He said and was about to turn around to walk back to his car.

"Nono, you don't have to do that, at least let me pay for it then!" I protested.

"No, it's ok." he stated.

He turned around and began walking towards the back of his car. It wasn't until now I found out that he owned a pretty expensive looking car – a porche maybe? I wasn't a big car enthusiast, so I was a dork when it came to cars. He came back and began pouring the gas in my car.

"So.. Where are you from? And how did you get stranded here in the first place?" he asked, not sounding interested but just asked to break the awkward silence.

"I'm from Denmark, I just got a job in Beacon Hills, which I thought wasn't far from here. Have you heard of it, or seen a sign somewhere that I might have missed?" Again, I felt stupid about being lost and hoped he could show me in the right direction.

"Oh, that explains the weird singing and the accent... uhm, yes, I know where it is, I just came from there. I can show you the way. It's only like 2 miles from here. Do you have an address?" he asked. He was hard to read and his rather careless tone was playing with my mind. He offered to help, but still.. 

"Thank you, that's very kind of you. Yes, I do, it's right here... in... my pocked.. there!" I said, showing him a wrinkled piece of paper. His eyes gave the text a quick glance before he spoke again.

"No problem, just follow me."

We both got inside our cars, he turned around and I followed his lead. It only took 10 minutes of driving and we were at my final destination. I had been on the right track, fortunately, and I would have found the place if I'd remembered to fill my gas tank. We both parked outside a nice looking wooden house with a porch. The lights were still on. There was a garden infront of the house, and even though it was almost midnight and it was dark, I could still see the silhouettes of many flowers. I had rented a room by an elder lady even though I could afford my own place with the money I inherited from my parent. I wanted to make sure this was where I wanted to stay before I made any investments. This was the lady's house and garden, I tried to imagine how  it looked in the daylight. I almost forgot about the guy who helped me and it wasn't before I could feel his eyes on me that I snapped back to reality.  

Red Eyes and Revelations [Derek Hale fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora