Mickey Rourke

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I was awakened by Jason’s happy morning voice. I looked at my alarm clock. I still had 5 minutes left before it went off. Gosh, why is he so energetic at this time of the day?

“Get up, sleepy head! I’ll drive you to work, I need to go to the gym, so you can have a lift!” He said all peppy and fresh. 

“For fanden.. I mean… man, why.. oh.. well.. I guess you don’t wanna discuss this.. I’ll be up now.” I had no energy to argue with him yet. 

I hit the shower and started thinking about last night. I’d been so overwhelmed when Derek invited me to join him for pizza. It’s been one of the best evenings here in Beacon Hills, if not the best. I hoped to find the time to repeat it again, I’d like to know more about him – at least just be near him.
When I got downstairs Jason was very impatient, so I ate my breakfast in a hurry before my “happy-morning-gay-tolerance” disappeared. I had some unfinished paperwork from last night at work, so it was ok I was there a little early.

My day wasn’t quite as hectic as yesterday. Tammie and Sam had taken one of my new patients each, so it took off some of the pressure. I told them about last night and they were very excited and I think they put a little more into it than I did. They didn't have boyfriends themselves, but they seemed quite eager to fix me up with someone. I hadn't even considered dating Derek yet, and I only knew little about him.. And well.. my last break up ended badly, so I wasn’t going to rush into something just yet.


After work I felt I had to work off some stress, so I decided to leave my stuff in my locker and go for a run. I’d brought my running outfit last week for a day like this. The forest was right behind the hospital, so I would take a run before going home. It wasn’t dark yet, so I wasn’t afraid I’d get lost – at least not if my GPS in my phone was dependable.

The running started to clear my head. I’d decided not to think about Derek or anyone else, last time I did that I fell and I didn’t wanna repeat that. After 15 minutes of running I stopped to see if I was on the right track. Of course I wasn’t according to the GPS. When I tried to figure out which way I had to go, I felt watched again. I held my breath and listened. I couldn’t hear anything. I looked around, but no one was there. Hmm… Oh.. what was that? I heard some sticks crack behind me. I turned around, but there was no one? Then I heard some growling coming from some bushes and I saw a pair of red eyes – they looked just like the eyes I thought I saw Friday night. I screamed and ran as fast as I could. After what only felt like 2 minutes of running, I looked behind me but I didn’t see anything follow me.

“*SLAM, SCREAM*”  I ran into something hard.

“Jesus Molly, what are you doing?” I heard a voice say. 

“J… Jason?” I sighed and looked up into his confused eyes. 

I tried to catch my breath. I realized my whole body was shaking and I could feel tears were on their way to make an appearance if I didn’t get a hold on myself.

“What are you doing out here? Is someone after you? You look like you saw a ghost or Mickey Rourke naked? At least that was how I would react to that..” He said, thinking he was pretty amusing. 

“… Mickey?.. what.. I.. you may think I’m crazy.. I just thought I saw something in some bushes.. I think it growled.. I dunno, I just got paranoid. I’ve been stressed out.. Sorry about bumping into you..” I still huffed and puffed while leaning forward resting my hands on my knees.

“It’s ok.. come here, you look like a mess.. and you smell like one too!” He said teasingly. 

“Oh stop it.. it’s not funny.. what if it was Mickey Rourke sitting in those bushes.. naked.. growling.. eiw” I said irritated and a little scared of the image of Mickey. 

Red Eyes and Revelations [Derek Hale fanfic]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें