Jason's arrival

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Aaaah Sundays. You love them and hate them at the same time! It’s such a relaxing day, but it’s always gonna the day before Monday. My hangover was gone so I decided to go for a run and get Friday night all out of my system. The sun was shining and it was only 8 o’clock, a perfect morning. I also wanted to try finding myself a favorite running track – one that would keep me from getting lost! I turned on the GPS on my old Nokia cellphone, then I'd at least have a small chace of finding my way back.

I went to the woods right outside the city, it was only a 20 minutes walk. I found a small path that lead into the forest and I started running. I’d brought my iPod, but it was nice to run in quiet and only listen to the sounds of nature. I could relax and focus on nothing but running and trying not to stumble. Somehow my thoughts were focusing on Derek out of a sudden. I was wondering what he was doing on a Sunday morning and what he actually did during the day and.. where did he live? And why was I suddenly so caught up in getting to know him? Hmmm.. this was new to me. Or well, the old Molly from before the accident would be thinking like this, but the last 6 months I’d been mostly focusing on myself and what I’d lost, being alone in general.. I used to be caring, being in control of everything, was all this coming back to me? Was I finally getting up on my feet again? The US might not be so bad after all!

*FLUMP, CRACK!* I stumbled over a huge branch, my excitement had made me forget what I was doing. I checked my knees, no torn pants and no bleeding, luckily. When I was sitting on the ground catching my breath I felt watched again. Hmm.. this was really weird, was I crazy? I got up on my feet, literally, and looked around ne. There was no one there. Hmm.. I decided to plug in my iPod headphones. I was fed up with nature now and it seemed like it was fed up with me too.

When I got back to Rose’s, and well.. my place.. I was all sweaty and I really craving a shower. Rose was sitting on the porch looking worried. The phone was placed on the table next to her.

“Molly! There you are.. I.. I couldn’t find you!” she said and got up fromt he chair.

“Hi.. uhm.. I just went for a run. Did I do something wrong?” I didn't mean to scare the lady, and I actually didn't think she'd worry that much about me.

“No.. sorry.. I just get worried when people don’t leave a message.” she said and stroke my shoulder.

“I’m sorry, I’ll do it from now on.” I assured her with a smile. 

“Thanks.. aren’t you thirsty? There is some lemonade in the fridge.” She pointed at the house.

“Thanks, I guess I need that – and a bath.” 

I went out in the kitchen to get something to drink and then went upstairs. I grabbed some clean clothes in my closet and went to  the hallway to get to the bathroom. Right when I was about to open the door to the bathroom it opened by itself and a tall blue eyed, blond, tanned guy stood in my way.


“Oh.. Hi! You must be Molly! I’m Jason!” He said with a smirk not affected by my screaming.. 

“… Hi.. Gud i himlen… Du.. I mean.. Hello.. Yes, this is me..” I said and fought with the words. My heart was still trying to find it's normal pace.

“Did I scare you?” he asked and smiled. Like it wasn't obvious?

“No, this is just how danes greet one another…” I spoke sarcastically. 

“Aaah, humor.. You look sweaty?” He said while checking me out.

“Yeah.. I just ran in the woods. Uhm.. when did you get here?” I was slowly regaining from the shock.

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