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Tuesday at work was almost trouble free, until Sam announced at the lunch table that Damon had said yes to escort her at the upcoming dance. I had totally forgotten about the dance, I’d only been to one real fancy dance and that was back in the Danish version of high school. That also meant I didn’t have a dress that matched the occasion. I was having a personal struggle though, because I didn’t feel like making a big deal out of it if I was going alone, but I didn’t wanna be all clingy and needy and start asking Derek, “Are you coming to the dance on friday?” every other hour. But I still had a few days to figure it out, at least that was what I thought since Sam and Tammie was planning to go dress shopping tomorrow and they insisted I went too. I usually preferred doing my shopping alone, but for some reason it seemed important to them we were all going together.

“Molly I think you should come with us, even if he comes or not. Tammie is gonna go with Jason, or at least that is the plan, and Damon isn’t that bad company when you get to know him!”

“Yeeeh.. I dunno.. He’s just a little creepy?”

“Seriously, you’ve just started dating the creep of the city, excuse me for my choice of words, and now you start judging Damon who’s just come to town?” Sam replied, she sounded a little offended.

“Maybe you’re right.. sorry, I just have a lot on my mind..”

“What is it? Do you miss Derek?”

“No.. I mean.. yes I do miss him, but it’s not that.”

“Oookay, what is it?”

“You remember telling about Lisa, my friend in Denmark?”

“Yes? Did she contact you back?”

“Yeah she did.”

“That’s wonderful!” Tammie said. “Oooor, is it?”

“First I thought so, I was ecstatic. I have no idea how I was so naïve to think that.. I just realized that nothing will be like it used to be. I can never be honest with her again.”

“That’s a bummer…” Sam said.

“I can’t even tell her I found out what happened to my family, who back in the days would be the first to know. I haven’t even told her I met a guy here that I like because I was afraid to mention something about werewolves. I called her the other evening and just hearing her voice made me long for being back in Denmark.”

“So you are saying that you think you made the wrong choice contacting her, since the reason you came here was to start over and she is pulling you in another direction?” Tammie asked.

“Yeah, exactly. She is.. the past.. and she has a family now and if I start telling her about werewolves and anything else I would probably set her in high risk. I wouldn’t be able to live with that.”

“No you’re right, it would be too dangerous. So right now you’re thinking of a way to tell her that you should cut the contact once more?” Tammie asked again.

Tammie was always so understanding, she and I almost had the same way of thinking. But she was right, last night I’d been awake for several hours thinking about how to break it off with Lisa in a respectful way. She did write in her e-mail that’s he didn’t know how to handle if I once more just disappeared, but if I said my proper goodbyes I wouldn’t disappear without a sign or anything, she would know. Yet I couldn’t give her the real reasons since the truth was dangerous. Gosh this was a mess..

“Yeah, I do.. but I haven’t thought of any right way to do it yet.”

“You’ll figure it out, I’m sure of it.” Tammie said and put her right hand on my shoulder as comfort.

Red Eyes and Revelations [Derek Hale fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now