The Plan

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Derek's POV:

When I came downstairs to the others they had all planted themselves in the couches.

“How is she?” Sam asked.

“She’s holding up, I think she still needs some time to digestive the past events.” I said.

“Is.. she.. I mean.. is she mad at us? Tammie and I haven’t been able to talk to her yet since the kidnapping and it’s like there’s formed a huge gap between us..” Sam asked worried.

“She hasn’t mentioned anything yet, but don’t feel bad, you haven’t had the chance to sit down with her yet.. Besides, I think it’s hard enough for her to realize that the household here is werewolves and her dad was working on an entirely different project than what she thought at first – plus it got him killed and it almost killed her too. Maybe she’ll be ready to talk to you guys tomorrow, I actually think she would appreciate that.” Jason said.

It seemed to calm Sam down a little, but she still seemed a bit worried and sad.

“I guess you’re right.. Anyway, we need to start planning.”

“Yeah. Should we just brainstorm ideas?” I asked.

“Sam and I have already thought of a way to figure out what Ralph is doing without any of us getting hurt. Jason, the clothes you wore yesterday, can you find them?” Tammie asked determined.

“Uhm.. sure.. what do you need them for?” he asked surprised.

“You probably have an excessive hair from Ralph on it, we need something of his and then we can track him down and see what he is doing this very moment and maybe figure out where he lives. I need a bowl of water too.”

Jason found his pants and shirt from yesterday and a bowl of water. Tammie and Sam thoroughly examined the pants and agreed on three hairs of being from Ralph’s furry body.

“Ok. We’re ready. What we are gonna do now is put the hairs in the bowl and use a spell that will show us his whereabouts this moment. Let’s hope he is at home so we can figure out where he lives. What we will see is the world through his eyes and everyone here will be able to see it when they look into the bowl. We’ll begin now, so please pay attention.”

Tammie and Sam started the spell and after a few seconds we saw something in the bowl. It was kinda blurry, but I came to the conclusion that Ralph was sitting in a dark room, the only light that was seen came from a window. I wished he would face the window so we could see the buildings outside. He was starring into the wall, but sometimes he raised a bottle of something to his mouth.

“Is he.. drunk?” Jason asked.

“It seems like it.” I answered.

“Hmm.. he mentioned he also was drunk the evening Molly’s dad had seem him in the woods.. an alcoholic alpha? This might just be our luck… hey look, he’s moving towards the window!” Jason said excited.

When he looked out the window I could see the hospital to his right and I knew right where he lived. There was an old house that looked pretty abandoned close to the hospital, I was sure that was the right place. He turned away from the window and headed towards the door. When he came down on the street he went to the liquor store and afterwards he headed to the woods. Suddenly the image in the bowl disappeared. I’d totally forgotten about Sam and Tammie and had lost track of time.

“Sorry guys, we needed a break. It’s hard to concentrate for so long. But now you have the chance to get him. He is out in the woods and he is dead drunk.” Sam said. She looked devastated.

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