Message from Denmark

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I woke up to the pounding of a horrible head ache. My hair probably looked the nest of a messy eagle. I was lying on my back and I could feel Derek’s arm resting on my stomach. I looked to my right and I could see he was lying on his right side facing me, but he was still sleeping. He was looking utterly serious when he was sleeping, a little troubled actually. I decided to pull off a little prank to wake him up. I turned around so I was facing him too, his arm was still resting on my body as I felt is weight through my duvet. It was quite muscular and I caught myself in admiring it for a few seconds. I faced him again I slowly moved my pointy finger towards his nose to give it a poke.


“AAAARGH! For fanden!!!” I screamed.

“HAHAHAHAHA you seriously thought you could trick me?” he laughed.

“Well… I don’t know… Jesus, what if I peed in bed?!” I said trying to sound blaming.

“HAHAHAHAHA you should have seen the look on your face!”

Suddenly the door to my room was slammed up and Jason stormed in.

“MOLLY?! Are you ok? What… oh… what did you do to her?” He asked Derek, looking quite curious since he was laughing.

“He scared the hell out of me, that’s what he did!” I uttered, still digesting the situation.

“I’d be scared to find a dog in my bed too, but it happens, and you learn to live with it eventually! Anyway, I just wanted to check up on you, it sounded like you were in trouble. Breakfast is ready downstairs if you’re interested!”

“I was in trouble!” I answered, Derek was still laughing next to me.

Then it hit me, it was the first time I heard Derek laughing like that. It made me smile, hearing other peoples’ laughter always made me smile and laugh too. I sat up, picked up my pillow, and threw it in his face.

“Yeah scaring innocent women is a blast!” I said to him.

He picked up the pillow, sighed and looked at me with tears in his eyes from all the laughing.

“I’m not sure innocent is a hundred percent true? Weren’t you going to poke my nose?”


I didn’t get to find myself an argument that would fit as a good excuse for my action before the pillow was thrown back in my own face, and the rest of my body was thrown back in the bed again while I could feel the weight of Derek’s body landing on top of mine. I removed the pillow from my face and found myself looking right into Derek’s green eyes.

“Are you really gonna pick a fight with a werewolf?” he asked teasingly.

“I’m a Viking, I’m not scared of any animals! I eat them!”

“Aha.. Vikings, are they known to be ticklish?”

“Uhm.. n-no.. they.. no you don't!”

And I was ticklish, especially on my flanks and under my feet! Unfortunately, Derek quickly figured that out and it was impossible to escape his firm grip. As he finally let me go he was still holding me down with his torso resting on mine while he was smiling at me.

“That was useful knowledge; Vikings do have a weakness or two.” he said seeming very satisfied with himself and his new knowledge.

“You just wait, I’ll find yours too!” I threatened with a smile on my lips.

“I think you already know it.” He said and kissed me.

I let my fingers go through his hair like a comb. As the kiss grew more and more aggressive, more than it’d ever become before, he stopped.

Red Eyes and Revelations [Derek Hale fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now