First time

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Damon’s POV:

I was furious. The incident a week ago had gone too far and my whole plan fell apart when Derek arrived. I was no expert in kissing and making up, but I needed to approach Molly again. By threatening to make her a vampire hadn’t made things easier for me. Switching off my humanity wouldn’t help me now. I was annoyed to have it turned on though, I was able to see she was a good, innocent person who just happened to be Christian’s daughter. I hated to admit I needed help, but not from them.. I knew a witch, I knew I couldn’t go to Bonnie, she would go to Elena or Stefan immediately, so I contacted Diana instead. She owed me anyway, so I knew she’d do it to get rid of me.
I knocked on her door and heard her approaching from inside the house.

“Damon?” she asked and looked surprised to see me.

“Diana. Long time no see, huh?”

“Sure.. uhm.. what are you doing here?” she asked, still standing inside the house.

“You owe me a favor and I am here to collect.” I explained and gave her a smile.

“Oh.. uhm.. I’m not gonna invite you in. I don’t trust you. I’m a little busy right now, but can we meet up here in an hour and go somewhere else and talk?” she asked.

“Sure, see you in an hour.”

Witches, they are always so suspicious and untrusting. But I waited an hour for Diana to be ready. She met me out on her porch.

“Ok, come with me.” She said and I followed her to an old bar in town. It was loud and no one would notice our conversation in there.

“Charming place, you come here often?” I asked sarcastically.  

“No.. but it’s the only place I can think of where I wanna have a conversation with you.”

“Ouch..” I said, pretending to sound hurt.

“So what is it you want from me?” she asked impatiently.

“I need to deliver something for someone.” I said.

“Have you heard of the phenomenon ‘mail’?” she asked annoyed.

“I don’t trust public service. But I need to send something to a person and I need your help to penetrate her mind and let me give it to her in person.” I said.

“Like.. in her dreams?” she asked skeptically.

“Yes, if that’s the way you know how to do it.”

She sighed and looked away. I bet she was thinking of the best way to do it.

“Fine. I need something of hers, like.. a piece of clothing or something. The best odds approaching her when she’s asleep is of course at night. That means we can meet up at my porch at 2 am and do the ritual. But when it’s done we’re even.”

“Deal. See you at 2 am.” I said very satisfied the meeting going so well.

Molly’s POV:

I’d started on writing a letter for Lisa, but I wasn’t done yet. Later in the afternoon Sam and Tammie had paid me a visit. Meanwhile Derek had gone home and I thought it was a little strange he hadn’t said goodbye. But maybe that had something to do with the planning the other’s were working on. I didn’t want to ask if that was the case, I guess it was hard enough or them to keep everything a secret. I’d changed into my ultimate cozy outfit, the one I always wore if I knew I had nothing to do all day but just being lazy. I didn’t have any plans for the evening since I was being a ‘prisoner’, the wildest event should be a movie on TV. I turned on my computer and started browsing on youtube. I found the song I’d been telling Derek about earlier. When listening to it I couldn’t help but smile and think of him, even though it was totally not the music I figured he’d listen to. But what would he listen to? As the song played I started to jump around in the room, it would be a serious violation if anyone called it dancing. It wasn’t until the song ended I noticed someone was standing in the door way.

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