Action in the woods

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Rose and Jason went to Ralph’s apartment right after I’d gone for work. Rose was fully healed and she was tired of just lying in her bed. When they entered Ralph’s apartment they didn’t find much, he was travelling light. Although there was a laptop. Jason turned it on, luckily there was no password. Ralph was pretty stupid not to have protected his computer Jason thought, but what should one expect from an alcoholic werewolf? Rose was sniffing around under the bed, she found a few dusty books that looked pretty old. She gasped when she found out what they were about.

“Jason, do you remember the stories of the 10 alphas?”

“The original alphas? Yeah, why?”

“No one knows about them, we only know they exist. I guess it’s because the only information about them is owned by them. These books seem to be written a long time ago and they contain facts about them. It’s hard for me to read, but I will definitely try when we get back.”

“Wow, was he one of them? He must have been. Or maybe he stole it?” Jason asked.

“We will find out.. Is there anything on the computer?”

“Yes I think I found Christian’s research. Is there anything else in here? A phone or something?”

“No there are some dirty clothes, nothing of importance.” Rose said.

“Then let’s get out, it smells pretty bad in here.”

“Yes, let’s get home and dig into the stuff we’ve found.” Rose agreed.

After work I quickly checked my phone, maybe there was a message from Derek. But there wasn’t. I had to trust Jason that he’d contact us whenever he’d finished what he was up to, whatever that was. The weather was sunny today, so I decided to take a run instead of worrying about Derek. I went the opposite direction of what I used to just to try something new. The forest around here was so big. I’d brought my phone, so I could always call Jason if I got lost. After 20 minutes of running I ended up on a small road. It was almost invisible now, it hadn’t been used for a long time it would seem. I followed the road until I came upon an old house, or what was left of it. It looked like it had caught fire. I looked at the mailbox, it said “Hale”. This must have been Derek’s old house. I unplugged my iPod, and it wasn’t until then I heard the roars. Did they come from inside the house? Was it Derek? Was he in trouble? I hurried to the door and opened it. My hand was shaking a lot when I grabbed the handle, the adrenalin was pumping. When I came in all I saw was half burned furniture and a staircase. The growling came from upstairs. I slowly took one step at the time and started calling Derek’s name.

“Derek? Are you here?”

No answer. When I reached the end of the stairs I went to the right into another room. Derek was in there, but he was alone. He was only wearing his pants and I could se big tattoo on his back. He was facing the wall with his hands pressing against it. He was breathing heavily, it was almost like he was panting. His back was very hairy and I could see the claws on his hands – or well, paws. He said to me in a very deep, growling voice, “Get out! GET OUT!”

“Derek, what’s wrong?!” I asked, I was in shock. I’d forgotten how scary he looked when he'd turned. Suddenly he turned around and faced me, his eyes had turned yellow and I could see his sharp teeth resting on his lower lip. “CAN’T YOU SEE IT?! I’M ANGRY! YOU NEED TO GO!!”

“I… I can’t move… Derek, please change.. will you? Why are you angry?”

“YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!” he yelled.

Like me he seemed nailed to the spot he was standing on, it was like he was fighting his own body. I was fighting mine to run, and he was fighting his not to attack me.

“M-maybe I do.. you won’t know if you don’t tell me.. Derek you’re freaking me out..”


Suddenly I gained control of my body again. I closed my eyes trying to figure out what to do. If I started running, he’d probably just start running after me. If I stayed and tried helping Derek turn human again, there would be a bigger chance I’d survive this. I pulled myself together and found the courage to face him once again. This time I tried to think of him as Derek in need, not scary bad ass werewolf.

“I will help you turn.. what usually helps? I mean, you can be in control sometimes, can’t you?”


“Me? What about me?”

“You help… but…” His body seemed to gain more control, he struggled not to take a step closer to me. It was then I decided to take a chance, it was either die that way, or die doing nothing. I stepped closer to him. I could feel the heat from his body and I didn’t stop before the distance between our faces and bodies were only a few centimeters apart. I was looking him right into his eyes. I slowly put both my hands on his cheeks. I could feel his body shaking, but after a few seconds it was like the shaking wore off. I closed my eyes and I slowly started to kiss him. First it was only me who kissed him, but within 10 seconds I could feel him responding. The hair on his cheeks that was under my hands disappeared and his breathing normalized. The kiss lasted for almost 2 minutes before I pulled myself away from him and opened my eyes. He’d turned human again, but he had black lines under his eyes and he looked devastated and sad. He removed my hands from his cheeks, but he kept holding them. His claws was gone too, he seemed fully human again.

“Molly, I’m so sorry..” he fell to his knees still holding my hands. His eyes became wet and he started crying why facing the floor. I kneeled in front of him and pulled him close to me and his face was resting on my shoulder. After a few minutes of comforting he pulled himself together and we stood up. It wasn’t until now I realized how marked his muscles were, he had a six pack and everything. He was very easy on the eyes I had to admit, and it made me blush.

“I almost killed you, you just spend minutes calming me down, and then you blush? You keep surprising me.” He smiled at me and put his right hand on my cheek.

“I guess I panicked.” I said in an excusing tone.

It was nice to see him smile, all in all it was nice to see him be human again.

“Thank you.. but Molly, it was very dangerous what you did, I could have killed or turned you.”

“I know.. I didn’t mean to mess anything up.”

“I know you didn’t mean to. I guess I have some explaining to do, huh?” he said looking around himself.

“Yeah a little… for example why aren’t you wearing any shirt?”

“I tore it in pieces. It’s a long story.. we can go to my place and I will tell you all about it, ok?” he asked.

“Sure, I just need to go back to the hospital to get my bag.. uhm.. you need to show the way, because I’m pretty sure I’d get lost if I had to go back alone after all this.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be right beside you.” He said smiling, he grabbed my hand and we started walking back to the hospital hand in hand.

I realized it wasn’t that far away and it was just me who’d been running in circles for almost 20 minutes and that was why it seemed so far away. When we got to the hospital Derek was waiting in the front hall when I grabbed my back in the locker room. Many people was staring at him, it wasn’t every day a guy was standing in the front hall not wearing any shirt late in September. He was surprised I knew the way to his apartment though, but then I explained I’d been there the night before to return his phone. He thanked me for that by giving me a kiss which made me blush again. He grabbed the phone in his mailbox and we went into his apartment to talk about what he was doing in his old house.

To be continued…

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