Derek's POV of the first meeting

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Derek's POV:

"Et tu-tu-tusindben, en hva' hva' hva' for en? Et tu-tu-tusindben der godt ka' li' at danse!"

What was that? Even the engine of my car couldn't compete with bad singing. I saw a girl sitting on the hood of her car on the side of the road. "She might be in trouble", I thought, and I decided to stop and ask. She didn't look like anyone from here - or sound like it. She looked about my age, maybe a few years younger. Her brown hair was set up in a ponytail and she had a kind looking face.

I asked her if she was having car trouble and she shyly explained that she was out of gas. Normally, I wouldn't feel the urge to help and just give the person a service number, but my senses told me she was on the edge of panic and she literally didn't know where she was. So I decided to offer her my extra gas, even though she demanded to pay for it. Did I look poor? Hmm.. she might just have wanted to be polite. I did wonder about her weird accent, I thought I'd heard it before, but I couldn't remember where or when. It turned out she was from Denmark, as far as I remember it's pretty far from here and known for their Vikings. Did they get lost too? Afterwards she asked me where Beacon Hills was and I decided to help her out again, I didn't have anything else to do anyway. She handed me the address and I was surprised to see that she was Mrs. Simmons new renter. I'd been worried she'd taken some lousy hobo in again, she always wanted to give people a second chance, but sometimes she went too far. Mrs. Simmons had been my sitter back in the days and I'd been drinking many a glass of lemonade on her front porch.

Anyway, we both went back to our cars and she followed me to Mrs. Simmons'. I could see she was still up, her lights were on and I bet she was sitting inside waiting with pie and lemonade - I could already smell it. When I got out I saw the girl examining the house with her eyes. She couldn't help but smile and get a little dreamy face expression. It looked kinda cute. I was wondereing why she came all the way from Denmark? What led her here to Beacon Hills?" I guessed she could feel my eyes on her, because suddenly she snapped back to reality and got a little embarrassed. She asked me about my name and I found out hers was Molly Sommer, which didn't seem familiar to me either. I offered to grab a few things in her car and she kindly accepted.

Mrs. Simmons didn't hesitate to invite us in, actually it'd be a huge violation in her book if you turned down her baking! I followed Molly into the living room. She seemed impressed about the house, I doubted she'd been in a traditional American home before. We sat down in Rose's comfortable furniture while she hurried out into the kitchen to find her famous apple pie. I was still curious about Molly's business, so I asked her about job situation. Apparently she'd just become a physical therapist and her teacher got her a job here in the States. I didn't get to know why she needed to start over, and why she chose this place, it was like she was keeping some details to herself. She looked kinda sad when she mentioned it, but quickly lightened up when Rose came in with pie and lemonade - and for good reason! We all ate in silence, but I saw Molly's fading further and further away from reality. She looked so tired. She had green eyes, like me, and they were hidden behind a set of glasses. For some reason I felt like sitting next to her and let her head rest on my shoulders. But why? I didn't know this girl, she could be one of the hunters in disguise. Although, she looked harmless and my senses got the impression that she was telling the truth even though she was keeping some details for herself. When Mrs. Simmons announced it was time for bed I helped out carrying the suitcases upstairs. I had thought about leaving Molly my phone number, just in case of car trouble, but I had a feeling I'd be seeing her again soon..

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