Getting ready for the dance

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”Yay, Friday at last!” I thought. Although I had mixed feeling about today, or well.. tonight’s events.. I was still glad I’d be off from work tomorrow. I’d decided to think Derek would come tonight, just to get my mojo running. It just wasn’t right to be moody on a Friday!

When showed up at work I could read a note on the door to the office that there’d been a break in at the blood bank, and if we knew anything about it or had seen anything suspicious we should inform the reception. Who’d seriously rob a blood bank? Still, when I thought about it Halloween was approaching, so it was probably some stupid kids trying to spice up their costumes. I remembered Tammie talking about that being the case a few years back.

I got off from work at 5pm, somehow I managed to avoid Damon. His presence always weirded me out, I didn’t exactly know how to react when I was around him. He was a very attractive guy, no doubt about it, but he just.. radiated trouble in some way? I caught myself blushing the other day, which seemed to be an awkward reaction if you asked me. I didn’t really like him, so why blush? I really hoped Derek would show up in time tonight, maybe I’d turn back to my state of normal then.
Tammie, Sam, and I had arranged that they’d pick me up at 7:45. If Derek wasn’t there I’d be going with them alone.

When I came home I hung out with Jason in his room.

“It sucks you aren’t gay..” I suddenly uttered while looking out the window.

“What?” Jason asked surprised.

“Sorry, it’s just.. I’m not sure about how my hair is gonna look tonight, usually it’s not something I worry much about. Now would just have been a good time to have an expert’s perspective!”

“HAHAHAHAHA oh, in that way. Maybe Rose can help you with that? She used to have long hair when she was young.” He asked a little confused.

“Yeah, maybe..”

“But you’d need to hurry, she’ll be at the dance earlier, she’s gonna help out with some drinks and stuff I think. I need to admit I didn’t pay much attention when she mentioned it.”

“Shit! I mean.. I’ll take a quick shower then!”

I hurried to the bathroom and took a quick shower, I needed help with my hair, I didn’t know why it’d suddenly turned into an emergency. Maybe it was because now I had someone in my life I liked to look good for? The feeling was new to me, that was all I knew.
As soon as I got out of the shower I put on my sweatpants and a t-shirt and ran downstairs to Rose.


“I’m right here!” Rose said from the kitchen.

“Rose I need your help.. do you know about.. hair?”

“Hair? Oooh, you mean, for tonight?” She said smiling.

“ Yeah.. I really don’t know what to do.. can you do magic?”

“I can try. But we need to hurry then, go upstairs and show me all the tools you have!”

The result was nice, she’d curled my hair a bit and half of it was set up in a gracious knot.

“Wow Rose, I didn’t know you had this sort of talent?” I was really impressed.

“An old dog actually can learn new tricks.” She said and winked at me. We both laughed at her joke.

“But I need to go now, I look forward to see you in your dress hunnie.”

Then she hurried out of the door. I looked at my watch, it had already turned 6:30 so I decided to put on my dress. I had this constant fear of being late all the time, I rather be ready 30 minutes before deadline than rushing out of the door.

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