Movie day

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Later Friday night, Derek’s POV:

When I’d said goodnight to Molly I’d driven further down the street I’d parked the car to wait for Rose. There was one night of the month none of us could stop the turning process. For an old woman, she was fast. I only had to wait 5 minutes before she was in the car.

“Did she notice anything?” I asked.

“No, she hurried  upstairs, I could hear she was talking to Sam on the phone. She looked pretty happy, did you have a good time?” she sounded thrilled. She’d come to care a lot for Molly and nothing was more satisfying to her than seeing the people she cared about being happy.

“Yeah we did. But we need to hurry now, we’ve got less than an hour before it’s midnight and I can already feel the urge to turn.”

I was confused, it wasn’t a usual full moon. My mind was filled with good memories and feelings from tonight, but my inner beast was taking over my body and soon my mind. Also I was confused, I'd said things tonight I'd never have said to a person before I met Molly. Who was this new Derek?

When I reached the usual meeting spot Jason was there already and he was relieved to see we both appeared.

“Whew.. I was so worried you didn’t make it. Molly is ok, right?”

“She’s fine. Now, let’s go down stairs and tie ourselves up. I can’t stand it much longer.” I demanded.

Inside the woods we had a secret basement. It was only made for one purpose – werewolves. When we turned here, we were absolutely certain about not hurting anyone or letting our beast and instincts taking 100% control of us. It wasn't like it was one huge drama or chaos when we changed, it was just our monthy routine and us being extra careful.

After a few hours it was all done. We unlocked ourselves and headed home.

Now my mind was free of the wolf, I could concentrate on processing tonight’s events. In the car with Molly I’d really felt like kissing her – just on the cheek. But I didn’t dare to, what if I lost control so close to midnight. I couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow, I’d be way more relaxed. It hadn’t been the perfect date, I almost screwed up at the bar and I had to go to the bathroom to calm myself down. Somehow I'd let myself be caught up in my mind so I'd seemed annoyed with her too. Molly didn’t seem to worry too much, she bought my explanations. She always seemed to see the best in people. Would she be able to… it was a crazy thought… could she really handle the truth? I wouldn’t know how to put it.. “Hey Molly, I’m a werewolf! I don’t kill people though!” It needed planning at least.

When I parked in front of Rose’s Molly’s lights weren’t on, so she’d gone to bed and would probably not notice Rose and Jason getting home.

The next day:

I slept until 12:30 pm. I was very devastated from last night’s action. My body was all sore, but my mind was clear. I had an appointment with Jason at 2 pm, but I decided to take a bath and get there early.

When I rang the doorbell it was Molly who opened the door.

“Hi! Uhm.. Jason isn’t here yet, he said you’d be here around 2. He had some errands to do.” She apologized. She looked a little startled too, I guess she hadn't expected me to be there early.

“It’s ok, I know. I was a little earlier off from work, so I decided to go here straight away.” I didn’t like to lie to her, actually it was killing me.

“Oh.. well.. Jason has plans for you guys. Something about a movie day and night.”

“Cool. What about you?”

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