Jason Muffins and murder in the woods

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I woke up to the sound of the rain splashing against my window. It hadn’t been raining in Beacon Hills since I’d arrived.

Hmm.. I think I’m gonna drive to work today..” I thought.

I hadn’t been using my car since I arrived either, it was like I hadn’t needed it. The hospital wasn’t far away and some of the days I’d been giving lifts by both Derek and Jason. I got ready for work and went downstairs to get breakfast. Jason was sitting by the table reading a newspaper. He seemed pretty concentrated and looked a little worried. It wasn’t like him, he was usually the annoying energetic morning person who had to tease everyone else who didn’t feel the same way.

“Goodmorning Jason. So.. any interesting news?” I asked.

He slowly lowered the news paper and took a sip of his coffee.

“Well.. it’s more scary news actually.” He showed me the front page and I read the headlines. “Man found dead in the woods of Beacon Hills – the police are still investigating”

“Oh my God.. What happened? Does it say anything about that?” I asked a bit shocked. I hadn't expected such news at the morning table. 

“No.. they just know his head was separated from his body and a few limbs were missing too..” Jason frowned in disgust. 

“That’s horrible.. I hope they find the guy who did it.” I added fixing myself some breakfast.

“Me too.. anyway, what are your plans for today?” He asked and folded the newspaper. 

It seemed like Jason didn’t wanna talk more about the subject, even though I wanted to ask a few more questions.

“I have work and then I plan to hang out with Tammie and Sam.”  

"Uuuh, cosy. You could bring them here? I plan on baking Jason Muffins!” he seemed pretty proud of himself when he pronounced the name of the muffins. 

“Jason Muffins? I suspect you… came up with the recipe yourself?” I paused while holding a piece of bread in my one hand and a knife in the other about to butter my bread. 

“Yes, that is very true! I have this thing about rainy days.. Rainy days are muffin days! And Jason Muffins are the best!” he added padding his belly. 

“Oh.. well.. I can ask if they are interested.” I shrugged and continued my task. 

“Great! I can pick you up from work?” he asked a bit too enthusiastically.

“No, no need to, I drive myself today.” 

“Ok.. uuuh.. do you think it’s a good idea when that murderer is on the loose?” He asked a bit worried pointing at the newspaper on the dining table. 

“If I spend my whole life being worried about people who wanted to kill me I’d lose my mind. No worries, I’ll be fine. You just bake your muffins and.. whatever you plan to do today. I need to go now before I get late for work.” 

Jason actually looked very concerned and he looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what. Why was he so worried, why would the killer come after me? I'd just moved here.


Work wasn’t so stressful that day, which was quite fortunate. Everyone seemed pretty worked up by the killing in the woods, it wasn’t easy to focus on something else. It wasn’t until lunch with the girls I got a break from all the panic. I hadn’t told them about my date with Derek on Friday yet. I was a little afraid Sam would explode from excitement.

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