Chad's surprise

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Later Sunday afternoon, Derek's POV:

“Now we’ve both been sitting here in silence for almost 30 minutes, and I still haven’t figured out what to do besides what we’re already doing.” Jason said, he had become very impatient.

“I guess that means it is the best we can do.” I answered, I was getting tired of Jason’s attitude.

“Well I have trouble looking Molly in the eyes now. If her dad was a hunter, and she secretly is too.. I am not sure what I will do to her. Right now, the best solution would be to interrogate her!”

“Will you stop that attitude? She is still innocent, how many times am I gonna say that? Just because your father was killed by a hunter, you don’t have to project that anger on to Molly – or her dad for that matter!”

“This is clearly not going anywhere.. I will go to the woods and search the area, ALONE!”

I knew bringing up Jason's father might have been a mistake and I kind of regretted it afterwards, but I was getting mad.

“You better not touch Molly, I know you'll regret it when you find out she's innocent.. but if you rather wanna go sulk in the woods than helping out, then FINE!”

My temper was getting away with me, my body started shaking and I could feel hair growing all over my body. While I tried stopping the process, Jason stormed out the door and smashed it behind him. It wasn’t until I was all alone I could turn back to human and gain control over my body.

“What would Rose say about all this…” I mumbled. She'd be pissed, I was sure of that.

Molly's POV:

Monday morning and a new day at work! I was wondering if Jason was up, he seemed.. different when he came home late last night. I wonder where he had been, but he seemed upset so I didn’t want to bother asking him.

When I came downstairs he was sitting at the breakfast table with the news paper. He kept reading it even though I sat down and started pouring cereal. This was strange, I didn’t dare to talk to him. Maybe he just had a cranky day? I knew my brother had that sometimes and then you just had to leave him alone in the morning. It was until I got up to put my plate in the dish washer he talked to me.

“So.. Are we taking the car today or are we walking?”

“Uhm.. goodmorning by the way.. uuh.. I am taking the car today. You want a ride?”

“Why are you taking the car?” he lowered the news paper and he looked freakingly serious, it kinda annoyed me now since I wasn’t aware that I had offended him.

“It’s my car, I can decide when I wanna drive it. Listen, I don’t know what is bothering you and why you suddenly act like a father to a 16 year old, but if you are gonna keep being grumpy you can walk to the hospital!” I spat at him. I was a little surpised about my outburst.

“Sorry for being interested in your plans for the day!” he spat back.

“You know, don’t bother!” I yelled.

I rushed out of the house and into my car. Why was he being like that? I already regretted the way I just abandoned the conflict, but right now I wasn’t in the mood for a big fight and I hated seeing Jason being that mad. He’d been so nice to me, and suddenly.. I tried to think about something else, this wasn’t gonna be the end of the world.

At work Chad had shown up again. But he was also acting a little weird. Maybe it was because he’d been sick, but.. it was like his personality had changed. I had expected some sort of sexist joke when I met him at the office, but he was acting.. normal. I heard other girls comment his behavior too. Strange.. After eating lunch with Sam and Tammie he came over and asked me if I could go on a home visit with him to one of his patients’ houses. The guy who should have gone with him had an urgent meeting, and he’d seen my schedule was vacant that hour. I decided to do him a favor and go with him. Maybe he’d reveal why he hadn’t been at work for a whole week – I couldn’t help but be just a little curious.

When we got into the car Chad was pretty quiet. It was actually a little uncomfortable, he reminded me more and more of a zombie or a robot.

“So who is this patient we’re going home to? You need to fill me in a little if you expect to get help from me.” I asked.

“Well.. he’s old and senile. Sometimes a little violent, so I need you to be there and warn me if he gets violent when I treat him.”

“Uhm.. ok.. strange.. uhm.. so are you all well now? I assume you’ve been sick last week.”

“Yeah, a horrible stomach flu or something.” He answered. He didn’t pay much attention to my presence besides from answering my questions.

“Where are we going? Isn’t he living in the city?”

“No, that’s why he can’t come to the hospital, it’s too far and the transport sucks. He lives in the woods.” he said.

“By himself? Ok.. have you tried recommending a flat in the city instead?” I asked, not trying to sound like I was questioning his methods.

“Yes, he doesn’t want to.”

“Oh.. ok.”

Then there was silence for another 5 minutes. I nearly began missing the normal Chad. Finally we reached an old wooden house. It looked pretty abandoned and I had a hard time imagining anyone was living there. Who was the patient? I was starting to regret going with Chad out here in the middle of nowhere.

“Are you sure he’s home? It looks kinda dark in there.” I asked while I tried to hide the fact that I was a little scared to go in there.

“He’s home, he just doesn’t like daylight.”

“I understand why you don’t wanna go here alone..”

I discovered I had goosebumps all over. This place was so creepy.

“Let’s go in.” he said. He wasn't affected by my fear or joke about the place being creepy. Was he being professional, or scary himself? 

He opened the door to the house and said, “Ladies first?”

“Ok..” I said and walked in.

I heard Chad closing the door behind me and.. what.. did he just lock the door? Why would he do that? My eyes slowly got used to the dark and it wasn’t until now I realized there was no one there besides me and Chad.. and a chair with hand cuffs? What was this?! I turned around to confront Chad, but I was hit in the face with something hard and it made me fall to the ground. While I was lying on the floor I felt a needle being injected in my arm and only a few seconds after I fell asleep…

Red Eyes and Revelations [Derek Hale fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora