New work, new friends

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*MEEP MEEP MEEP* My alarm woke me up at 7 am. It was time for work and I thought I had 10 butterflies flapping around in my stomach. How are they gonna greet me there? Will they find it weird a dane gets a job there? I never was confident about fitting in at new places, I'd had a rough time in the Danish version of high school, and the experience had been kinda stuck with me ever since. Rose wasn't home when I got up, she'd written a note though wishing me good luck. She was nice, when my mother wasn't around to do such things it was a good feeling someone else did it - even though I didn't know Rose that well yet. I ate in a hurry and went to the hospital. I was almost half an hour early, I've always had this obsession with being on time and have absolutely no tolerance when it comes to people who are late - except if they have a really good explanation. Still, I believe cancelling is in order. Anyway, I was waiting by the information counter when a woman with blonde hair approached me. She looked to be a few years older than me and a little taller. She had a big smile on her face and her blue eyes were shining because of the lights in the ceiling.

"Hello. You must be Molly Sommer?" she asked with a gentle voice greeting me with a soft hand shake.

"Hi. Yes, it's me.. I guess you can tell from the confused look on my face?"

"Hehehe, nah, I have a picture of you." She showed me a piece of paper with my photo and a few facts about me. "So here you are, and welcome to Beacon Hills Hospital. It's not that big, but we manage. I can tell a little bit about myself while we go for a tour?" she asked put the piece of paper back in her pocket in uniform.

"Oh yes. I'm pretty excited". 

The tour lasted about 1½ hour. There were a lot to see, but Tammie, which was the woman's name, was sweet and assured me if I needed help I shouldn't hesitate to ask. She was a physiotherapist herself and had been an employee at the hospital for 3 years. The last room she showed me was the office where I was given my very own desk and computer. I noticed about 10 other desk besides of my own and only half of them were occupied when we entered. All of the other therapists were just as welcoming as Tammie, which made me a lot more comfortable. The rest of the day was filled with more info and socializing with the other therapists. Especially one guy seemed a little too excited about me being there, he was like... kinda clingy and a little too happy about his own looks. His name was Chad Logan. Tammie told me he was known for screwing around with a lot of the female staff. I couldn't help but compare him with Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother. But it wasn't only his flirting that weirded me out, there was something else.. I couldn't put a finger on it though, maybe it was the tension in my mind and body from being at work for the first time.

After work and after turning Chad down 3 times when he keft offering a beer after work , I went home to process my experiences of the day. At least I had made a few friends already. Tammie was one of them, and one of the girls that seemed close with Tammie named Sam seemed pretty nice too, but also rather energetic. That night I went to bed pretty early, I was really bummed.


The rest of the week was a little stressful, I had my first patients and the beginning is always hard. At Friday afternoon Tammie and Sam had convinced me I needed a night out with them, it was essential to for my level of immigration that I knew about the hottest places to get a drink and dance in the city. They seemed pretty serious and probably wouldn't take no for an answer, so I accepted their offer. Then I also had a good reason to turn down Chad's offer of a night out with him - alone. I had found a semi pretty dress in one of my boxes. I still hadn't unpacked everything, I'd been too tired to deal with that this first week. It was navy blue with thin straps that drew an x on my back. It wasn't too short, it went just below my knees. I found my black sandals and said bye to Mrs. Simmons before leaving. She seemed happy I'd made some friends already. Me, Tammie and Sam had planned to meet at a bar named "The Beacon". Luckily they were already there and was waving when they saw me. Just before I intended to wave back, I suddenly felt like something was staring at me from some bushes across the street. I could have sworn I saw two red eyes too. I kept looking at the bushes, kinda afraid I'd see what I just thought I'd seen, again. I didn't even notice Tammie and Sam had come over before Tammie asked, "What's the matter? You look... scared?"

Red Eyes and Revelations [Derek Hale fanfic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora