Fall ball

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Derek’s POV:

All the way back to Beacon Hills my head was overflowed with thoughts. I was an alpha now, my dad was keeping secrets from me even after he was dead, I began having cravings about seeing Molly again after speaking on the phone with her, but I was afraid that I would hurt her because of my new status.
“Get a grip, it’s just a dance.” I thought to myself. No matter what I wouldn’t have time to do anything about my worries until tomorrow anyway.
I looked at the watch in the car, I was running late. It’d only taken me 20 minutes to take a shower and get ready. I finally reached Rose’s house when I saw a big, black limo parked in front of the house. I noticed a guy holding the door for Jason and what had to be Molly who was on her way into the limo. I only saw the guy from behind, but my senses caught some weird signals coming from him when I got out of the car. He had a rather unfamiliar scent. He wasn’t a werewolf, I was sure of that. But who was he? Why was he picking Molly up in a limo? I’d gotten caught up with my thoughts once again, but was interrupted by Molly’s voice, “DEREK!”


She tried to run towards me, which was a bad idea when wearing a dress I thought. I had to catch her before she’d have tripped over her own feet. The moment my arms carried the weight of her body I felt warmth shooting through my body.   

“Whew, that was close, huh? But you came, you actually came!” she said while getting on her feet.

He face was one big smile, it suited her better than any makeup would do.

“Yes, I worked all night to get everything done, but I have to say it was worth it.” I answered.

And it was true. I gave her a tight hug, having her close calmed me down. She gently pulled herself away and we caught eye contact. I felt her hands moving up my shoulders.

“I’ve missed you..” she said, and by the look on her face when she said it I had no doubt she was telling the truth. I senses a bit of sadness in her eyes.

“I missed you too… and this..”

I kissed her, my body simply couldn’t resist her face expression. It was like I had an urge to make her happy, but I had to admit kissing her wasn’t bad for me either. I moved my hands down on her waist and pulled her a little closer so I could feel the whole length of our bodies were attached to each other. It felt good to have her this close, then I knew she was safe. I could feel the kiss was developing, and if we were ever going to catch the dance we needed to stop.

“So.. don’t we have a dance to go to?” I asked. She blushed a little and said, “Hehe, I guess we do. The others might get worried.”

“Nah, don’t worry about them. But I have a question, whose limo was that?”

“It’s the new guy from work who rented it, he’s going to the dance with Sam.” She answered.

“New guy you say? Hmm..”

Of course they needed a new guy at the hospital, Chad was dead. But I still didn’t like the vibes I got from him. And wasn’t it a bit.. I dunno.. but it seemed weird you rent a limo to impress people you recently met.

“What is it?” Molly asked.

“Nothing, I just caught a weird vibe from him when I got here. But I guess it’s the lack of sleep that messes up my senses.”

It was like becoming an alpha had increased my senses even more. I wondered if my physical strength had changed too.

We got into the car and didn’t talk more about the new guy. I’d probably get a chance to talk to him at the dance anyway, maybe get to him alone and I might have a chance to figure out what he got to me that way.
She shortly filled me in on last week’s events, but  she also said there were some important stuff we needed to talk about tomorrow. She didn’t wanna mention what it was about, since “tonight was all about fun!”I actually didn’t mind, although I’d rather have spent my evening at Rose’s place with Molly alone. 

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