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I woke up to the sound of Jason yelling at Sam.


I opened my eyes and found myself starring right into Derek’s green eyes, which made me gasp and whisper, “Hold da kæft” from astonishment. His eyes were showing both happiness and sadness at the same time, it was kinda weird. Yet his presence told to me that yesterday’s events hadn’t been a dream and suddenly a lot of worries and questions started flying around my head.

“Are you always this charming in the morning?” he asked and tried to pull off a comforting smile, which actually succeeded pretty well.

“Sorry.. goodmorning, I mean.. you just shocked me a little. What is happening downstairs?” I asked and sat up in my bed.

“Don’t worry about that just yet, everything is under control. At least that is what we’re all working on.” He assured me.

“But.. work.. I need to go to work. Will we go to jail? Chad is dead and..” I started to get worked up, all the questions appearing in my head had stocked up and I had to get at least a few answers.

“Slow down, Molly. Relax. I think I need to explain a few things, that might calm you down.” he said.

Then I remembered. Derek wasn’t just Derek anymore, he was a werewolf. By instinct I jumped out of the bed like a bee had stung me and I’d just gotten a revelation of the situation I was in the middle of.

“You.. you changed yesterday, you became one of his kind.. you’re different..” I pointed out. It seemed to upset Derek a little, but I guess he was prepared for that reaction because he just looked down onto the floor and answered, “Yes, I know..”

“I.. can I even trust you? If you are gonna explain everything, can I then be sure you’re telling me the truth?”

Now he looked at me and I could see he was in awe for some reason.

“Please.. Molly. I know this is a huge shock. But you have to believe me, if I ever wanted to hurt you, I would have done it a long time ago and I wouldn’t have saved you from Ralph. All I ask of you now is to listen to what I have to say and then it’s only fair that you react to it in any way you like. But I beg you, don’t leave the room before I get a chance to explain myself.”

I had never imagined him to seem that vulnerable. He always looked like the tough guy who was in control. But he had a point, I could relate to logic and it wouldn’t be fair to storm out in frustration before he’d gotten the chance to explain anything. Maybe some of the many questions inside my head would be answered.

“Ok.. you’re right. Enlighten me.”

I sat down on the bed next to him, he seemed a little surprised that I came that near him again.

“Thank you. First of all, what do you wanna hear first? Why I am who I am?”

“I think it’s a good place to start, yeah…”

“Ok. I was born this way. My mom and dad were werewolves and so were the rest of my family. So, this is not a choice I’ve made. Rose btw. is also a werewolf, but she has never told me how she became one, but I know Jason’s father was born werewolf hence Jason is a werewolf too.”

“Ok.. what about Tammie and Sam?”

“They are not werewolves, they are witches. Good ones though.”

“Witches?” I uttered surprised. This was getting more and more surreal.

“Yes. They have secured the house with some spells, which only allows the werewolves to enter the house that live here or has been invited. That means Ralph can’t get to you as long as you stay in the house. They have been trying to heal Rose, and now there is nothing left to do wait and see if it was too late.”

“Maybe you need to tell me what happened after I was kidnapped. I’m a little confused.”

I decided not to ask more abotu Sam and Tammie, it only would make even more questions pop up inside my head.

“Yes. When Jason found out you hadn’t come home the other night, we met up in the woods and followed your tracks. We didn’t dare to get too close, because we weren’t sure what we were up against. But we figured that you would be in the old house further into the woods since the traces lead us in that direction. We went home and told Rose about the situation and called Sam and Tammie who both came up with reasons to go home from work. We needed all the help we could get. We planned that Sam and Tammie would make a potion that would make Rose look like me from a distance, we didn’t have time to plan anything better, so that I could sneak into the house and rescue you while she and Jason would lure Ralph into the woods. But the plan almost slipped since he caught Jason with that secret weapon of his, it was a grenade or something. Rose lured him out again though, and it wasn’t until he got up close to her during the chase he realized he’d been tricked. He wounded Rose badly before he hurried back. At least that is what she told Sam before she fainted when she’d gotten back to the house. The rest you know..”

“Oh God… it’s all my fault, I should never have gone into the woods with Chad. Look what happened.. I should never have come here and ruined your lives like this and causing these troubles..” I started crying again, I felt so bad suddenly.

“No Molly, none of this is your fault, who could’ve known Chad would team up with Ralph and kidnap you? If it’s anyone’s fault it’s Jason’s and mine for not looking too well after you…” he put a hand on my shoulder, it seemed like he didn’t know if it was ok to approach me any further, like he was afraid to scare me.

“Looking out for me?.. you mean.. now it makes sense.. now I see why one of you always were around when I needed to go somewhere.. and why you spent time with me?” I asked looking up at him.

Of course.. this had been too good to be true, they’d only hung out with me because they were afraid I’d be killed..

“Molly don’t think we didn’t enjoy hanging out with you, I’d have done that anyway. We didn’t want you to be killed because we care for you.. Please don’t think otherwise.”

“So.. the night on the porch wasn’t just a part of your plan?” I asked, still being suspicious.

I wished to believe Derek, but now I’d become aware of his real identity and heard about the things that had been hidden to me, I still didn’t know if I could trust anyone anymore.

“The night on the porch wasn’t planned – it a was spontaneous action, but I don't regret it.”

He looked me deep into my eyes when he said it.

“What do you mean?”

“I would rather have at least one moment like that with you, than regretting not having it for the rest of my life. If you ever found out who I was I wouldn't know how you'd react.”

I didn’t know what to say. I was both flattered and confused. I felt a tear running down my cheek.

“Derek.. I need some time to figure out what to think of all this.. I’m..”

“I understand.. but now you know the truth..” he wiped away the tear on my cheek with his thumb.

I grabbed his hand and laid it between my own hands. For a moment I just looked down on it. It looked completely normal, how could it just change from this to furry with claws?

“I need to go down stairs now I think. I’m ready to face the others now. I wanna talk with Jason too. I bet he needs us now when Rose is wounded.”

I got up and left Derek in the room. I still had a lot of questions about what it meant to be a werewolf, but it would have to wait – at least for a while.

Red Eyes and Revelations [Derek Hale fanfic]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat