An unexpected visitor

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The next morning I woke up alone in my bed. Derek had written a note telling me good morning and that I’d see him later in the afternoon. Thinking about standing face to face with Damon hadn’t really affected me until now. I guess I needed time to realize what was gonna happen, like the day you’re having an exam. I wonder if the others felt like that too, they weren’t exactly used to be in conflict with other supernatural beings before I came along. It was a wonder they didn’t kick me out! I was both excited about the expected meeting, because I’d get to know more about what was gonna happen in the future – I hated uncertainties, especially when it came to very important things. But I was still a little afraid of how I was gonna react when I saw Damon in his own… could you say flesh and blood when you were talking about vampires? What are they really made of? My anxiety disappeared for a second when I started making up theories, right until Rose knocked on my door and came in a long with reality. She was smiling, but I could see that she was a little worried.

“Good morning dear. Are you ready for tonight?” she asked and sat down on my bed. I sat up.

“Well.. I don’t know. I guess I have to, right?” I answered.

“Are you afraid?” she asked.

“Not now.. I’m just feeling a little nervous I guess. But it’s mostly because I don’t know how I will react when I see him again. I don’t hope I’ll freak out unintentionally. But we’re taking all sort of precautions, so it’s way different from the last time I saw him.” I explained while looking down on my duvet.

“I wouldn’t have believed you if you said you were fine.” She said understandingly.

“I try to see it as another step on the stairs.. you know.. we’ll finally reach the top where we can be left alone and live a normal life. Or well, as normal as possible.” I said and looked up.

Rose smiled and me and tapped my hand gently.

“It’s a good coping strategy. Now, let’s have some breakfast together. We’re all alone, the others are at work.” She said and went downstairs.

The time until the others came over felt like forever. I was feeling restless and kept looking at the clock. Rose thought it would be a bad idea to go train in the woods if Damon was there, we didn’t know if he’d brought some “friends” with him. Tammie and Sam were the last ones to show up, luckily they looked better than when they went home yesterday and they’d returned the ring to Damon the minute they came home. The tension in the living room was a little tense; everyone seemed to be affected by the upcoming “talk” with Damon. Jason simply just seemed impatient. Derek was very serious and quiet, probably thinking everything through over and over again. Rose was circulating around in the house keeping her hands busy while talking quietly to herself. Sam and Tammie had brought some grimoires and were learning spells to be prepared for everything – or at least it was an attempt to be. When everyone were “doing their thing” I felt like it was ok to go upstairs and check my e-mail. No one really noticed I left the room.

My stomach started tickling when I saw I had one unread e-mail and it was from Lisa.

“Molly, I can’t believe what I just read. What is seriously wrong with you? Is it on purpose? I’m shocked and I don’t really know how to express in words how I feel right now. Why all the secrecy? I can’t believe you’re gonna cut me off and I’m not even worth telling the honest reason why. I thought we were close. Don’t ever contact me again, I don’t have room in my life for a fake liar.


Reading the mail was like getting punched in the face. It was only fair, she had all the right to call me a liar. If she just knew.. Suddenly it hit me reading this today might not have been the best idea, I wasn’t feeling better than I did when I woke up. But now at least that was done with. It was a sacrifice I had to make, even though it hurt both of us. I heard a knocking on my door, and as I expected it was Derek. He’d probably felt my reaction to the e-mail. I wiped my tears away before facing him.

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