The wolf man

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When I woke up my head was pounding. The room was rather dark except for the thin rays of sunlight that came through the cracks in the shutters of the windows. Everything was kind of a blur; I didn’t have my glasses on. I quenched my eyes and I had a theory they were on the floor next to the door in front of me. I tried standing up but then I felt pain in my wrist when I was pulled back in the chair. Was I locked to the chair? I looked down and saw the hand cuffs around my wrists and legs. Oh my God, what had happened? Why was I tied to a chair in an old house? Was I all alone? The house was quiet, the only noise came from my heart pounding in my chest and my breath getting more and more rapid. How long had I been sitting here? The pain in my neck, back, and buttocks suggested I’d been there for some time. I started screaming for help, but after 10 minutes I took a break. I suddenly discovered how thirsty I was and yelling and screaming didn’t make it any better. And when I realized I was all alone the tears started rolling down my checks. Why me? How did I…? Then I remembered.. the person who’d taken me here was Chad. But why would he drag me here and leave me? Oh I wished Derek was here.. and Rose, she must be worried. Or do they know I’m gone? Jason seemed to upset with me, I bet he didn’t care. And what about work? This was a mess..

I cried for what I thought was an hour, then there were no more tears left. Suddenly someone opened the door. I quenched my eyes to see who it was.

“Who’s there?” I sobbed.

“Chad be my name, my lady.” He replied, trying to sound charming.

“Chad what is going on? Why am I locked up? Please help me out!” I demanded.

“Why would I let you go when I’ve finally caught you?.. Oh look, there they are. You better get these back on so you can look me clearly in the eyes when I talk to you! This requires your full attention.”

He picked up my glasses of the floor and placed the them on my nose and ears.

“What do you mean? Why did you tie me up like this? What did I do?” I almost screamed now from desperation.

“You will know in time.. it’s actually not in my place to tell you. The leader will be here soon enough, now that you’ve woken up I will call him here.”

“What leader? Wait.. where are you going? LET ME GO!!” I demanded.

But he didn’t listen. Chad went outside and slammed the door behind him. Then some weird noises came from right outside the door, it sounded like a man complaining and screaming from pain that changed into snarling and growling. Suddenly everything was silent besides a heavy breathing and a sudden howl. A few seconds after the howl was answered from somewhere else in the woods. My whole body was paralyzed from fear. What was this? Who was the leader and what was the howling all about? Was is some weird sect and did they want me to join? My theories were interrupted when I heard the sounds of paws running and stopping right outside the door. Then I heard snarling once again and the heavy breathing disappeared. I heard a deep manly voice speaking, “So. She’s awake?”

“Yes, sir. She’s ready for the interrogation.” Chad replied.

“Good. You’ve done well for a one week old wolf. I chose wisely.”

“I appreciate that, sir.”

“I bet you do.. now.. introduce me to Mrs. Molly.”

The door opened once again and a tall evil looking guy came in first and was followed by Chad. His hair was black with a few grey stripes. His eye brows were bushy, he kinda looked furry and.. wolf like? His nails were rather long and brownish which disgusted me.

“Who.. who are you?” I mumbled.

“I’m Ralph.”

“I don’t know you, why am I here?” I asked again.

“Oh I think you know.. stop playing innocent!” he demanded.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

This was getting more and more absurd. I'd never seen the man before.

“Oh really? You must know about your dad’s work.”

“M-my dad? What do you know about my dad?” I asked surprised to hear he knew about my father.

“Stop asking me those irrelevant questions, I know he must have filled you in on the details. I know you two were very close.”

“My dad was working with vets on a project with plants and some kind of rabies cure. That’s all I know.” I assured him while holding back the next wave of tears.

“So you don’t know what this is?!” he asked like he didn’t believe me. He found a glove in his one pocket and put it on and pulled up some sort of flower up from his other pocket.

“Look at it, girl. Can you honestly not tell me what this is?!”

I looked at the plant, it was bluish and kinda looked like a bellflower.

“I.. I don’t know..”

“It’s called wolfsbane. Do you know what abilities it has?”

“No.. please.. I don’t know anything.” I sobbed.

“It’s a weapon against werewolves.”

“W-werewolves? You gotta be kidding me?! They are mythic creatures, they don’t exist!” Tears was now running down my cheeks again.

My head was pounding even harder. Who was this guy, why was he talking about flowers and werewolves? Why should I be involved and why did he know my father?!

“So you think they don’t exist? I can prove to you that we do exist and your father didn’t die for nothing.”

“What? What are you talking about?” I’d started crying again, this was too frustrating. I was hungry, thirsty, scared, and confused at the same time.

“Chad? Open the door. We need some more lighting in here, she needs to see I am telling the truth. Maybe she will stop telling lies afterwards.”

Chad nodded at his leader and opened the door. Ralph started shaking and suddenly his nails changed into claws, his ears became pointy and furry, his eyes turned red, hair was growing all over his body. His whole face changed into the face of a wolf and within seconds a huge wolfman was standing in front of me on two legs. I didn’t believe it, was he.. a werewolves? I was so scared, the only natural reaction for me was to scream louder than ever before, so I did. I screamed for my life, because I knew that this might be my last chance to call for help and I regretted I hadn’t been yelling for longer earlier. Was I gonna die now?

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