The hangover

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I woke up in a haze of hangover and bad breath. First I wasn't sure where I was and how I got to bed. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and returned to the bed trying to figure out what had happened last night. I remembered meeting Sam and Tammie, I remembered dancing, I vaguely remembered trying to teach them Danish and then... oh God.. Did I meet Derek? It all came back; me trying to win back my dignity, letting him follow me home, and at last carry me to my bed.. I searched the sheets and the floor on the side of the bed to make sure I didn't puke anywhere - I usually never puked, but it would be so typical if I'd done it last night in front of Derek.

"Whew, no puke.." I returned to bed yet again to digest the events. I was very embarrassed, I hated not being in total control of my actions, but I also loved to let loose like yesterday. I hadn't planned on meeting Derek either, actually it wasn't my fault. At least that was what I told myself. On the other hand I could've found the number of the taxi firm in the city and.. huh? I could hear Rose talking on the phone downstairs, she sounded kinda worried.. I got out of bed once more, having to stand still for a few seconds to gain my balance before walking towards the door and go out in the hall. 

"I've already told you everything. No, Derek didn't get in touch with him, he just followed Molly home. No, she's not up yet. Jason I really need to go now, she can be up any minute and I think she needs some brunch. I will see you soon, dear. Take care." she hung up, sighed, and went to the kitchen.

Hmm.. that was weird, who was she talking to? And what had Derek told Rose? Ouch, my headache didn't allow me to think about it, so I decided to take a bath and go downstairs to get some food and coke. I definetely needed coke.

"Goodmorning dear, did you have a nice night out with the girls? Derek called to tell me he'd walked you home." she said with a teasing look in her eyes when I entered the kitchen in my robe.

"Yes I really did, Sam and Tammie have been very welcoming. I'm a little embarrassed though, I will assure you this won't happen every other weekend. Sorry if I woke you up." I didn't know how Rose felt about her renter coming home late drunk. She didn't seem to mind though, yet I still felt like I had to apologize.

"You don't have to apologize. I've been young once, I know how hard it is to settle in and sometimes alcohol and dancing is the best way to manage!" she said before turning back to her pan og scrambled eggs.

"Hehe, sure, there was dancing involved.. if you can call it that. I don't dance when being sober, the rhythm never loved me." I explained remembering my 'smooth' moves from last night.

"Everyone can dance! But enough about that, I think you could use some brunch, here you go." She stated and handed me a plate with eggs and bacon. She was a true angel. Before I turned around to sit by the kitchen table she cut in.

"By the way, we might expect my grandson's arrival soon. His name is Jason. He lives here with me, but he's been in Europe for the last few months. I'm sure you two will be getting along. He's Derek's best friend." Her eyes showed genuine happiness about her grandson's return.

"Ooh.. ok. Well, I look forward to meet him."

Her cooking was delicious and it took the edge of the hangover. She sat down with me with a cup of tea while reading the paper. She let me eat in silence until she'd finished the paper and looked at me and asked, "So what are the plans for today?"

"I think I need some fresh air and call the other girls to make sure they're alive. Do you have Derek's phone number? I don't know when I'll be seeing him again, but I'd like to say thanks... for getting me here safe again." I said feeling my cheeks turn pink.

"Sure dear." she said with a teasing look. 

When I'd gotten his number I got a little too excited for my taste, I felt like a teenager getting a guy's phone number for the very first time. It must have been the hangover I told myself. Anyway, I got outside and lucky for me it was a sunny day and perfect for a walk. I had to wear sunglasses though because the light was burning up my sore eyes. I called Tammie and Sam, Tammie had brought Sam home with her and could confirm they were both alive but in the same shape as me. We all agreed that this wasn't something we'd do every weekend. After the chat with the girls I'd reached the park. I found a bench and sat down to enjoy the sun and the quiet for a moment.

My thoughts started drifting and magically they reached Derek's shore, figurativeIy speaking. That was when my guilt set in and I decided to call him. When the phone started to beep and I waited for him to pick up butterflies started flapping around in my belly again.

"Hello." a serious voice greeted me.

"Oh.. Hi. Is it Derek?" I couldn't hide my insecurity.

"Uhm.. Yes.. Who are you?" he asked sounding a bit suspicious.

"I'm Molly, the.. drunken hobo?" Nice introduction, woman...

"Hehe, oh.. you. So you're alive, that's comforting." his voice had turned softer.

"If you call this alive, then I rather be dead." I thought aloud.

"Is it that bad?" 

"I hope it will get better. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you... again. I'm a little embarrassed though." 

"Meh, don't be. And it's ok. Btw. how did you get my number?" he asked curiously. 

"You see.. I'm this undercover agent.. and.. I asked Rose for it." My mind just didn't have the capacity to create a cool explanation for my stalking. 

"Oooh, yeah, makes sense." I felt relieved that he didn't sound angry. 

"Yeah, hehe. Ok, this is a little far out now and I guess you're busy too. I might see you around soon?" I said and excused myself. I was getting out of words and hadn't prepared a longer conversation with him. 

"Oh you didn't disturb me. But yes, you probably will see me around the neighborhood. Jason, Rose's grandson, will be home soon. I bet she told you?" Oh yeah, Jason.. an excuse to see Derek, perfect.

"Yeah she did fill me in on it. So I will see you at Rose's then." 

"You will. Take care, hobo."

"I'll try." I blushed when I moved the phone away from my ear, "Hobo...". I shook my head and put the phone back in my pocket.

Whew, he seemed to be ok following me home. Damn, I forgot to ask him what he did in the middle of the street SOBER 5 am a Saturday morning. The head ache stopped my thinking once more.

I got up from the bench and went home. Rose had gone grocery shopping so I had the whole house to myself. I decided to inspect Rose's living room. I tried to figure out who Jason was on all her pictures on the wall, but I gave up. I hadn't noticed before, but Rose seemed very fond of cats. She had cats on her drapes, cat figurines on almost every shelf, pictures of cats on the wall... But why didn't she own a cat? Hmm.. My headache told me not to think more about it and I decided to take a nap in the garden.

I woke up to the feeling of being watched. I looked towards some bushes where I felt the stare coming from, but there was nothing to see and nothing moved. I got a shock from the sounds of my vibrating cell phone. It was Tammie, she invited me over for a 'head repair dinner' with her and Sam. I accepted of course.

At dinner they wanted to hear about what happened when Derek walked me home. They knew him vaguely, they found him kinda mysterious. They'd never heard anything bad about him though, just that he was a loner. I didn't bring the tragic story about his family up, what if they didn't know. They couldn't stop teasing me though, joking that he might be the weird white knight that had to safe me from alcoholism - it didn't help me that I started to blush.

I got home early from Tammie's, I was very tired even though I'd taken a nap earlier. Rose was home, she'd been baking pie while I was gone - her delicious apple pie. I couldn't help feeling a little bad about Derek not being here to have a piece - I kinda wished he'd come over. But he didn't, and after pie I went to bed.

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