Worries and solutions

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The next morning I was curious to see what state Jason was in, and I had to admit that I was surprised to see him at the breakfast table.

“Sooo.. how’s the tummie?” I asked cautiously. 

“Good morning, buttercup! It’s certainly fine! I won, and that’s all that matters..” He said like he was a warrior returned from war.

“Ok.. uhm.. good.. where are the rest of the muffins?” 

“Hidden…” He said in an almost threatening tone.

“Ok.. well that’s good..”

It now occurred to me that Jason had an.. unusual relationship to muffins. It was almost scary, but yet entertaining. Then I got an idea.. I suspected his muffin-obsession might have been by caused by boredom. He’d told me the shop he used to work in had closed down while he’d been travelling, so now he didn’t have a job. I knew they were low on staff at the hospital and maybe he could fit in somewhere.

“Jason I was thinking.. maybe you could get a job at the hospital?” 

“Hmm.. like what?” He asked skeptically.

“Well I know they are looking for porters. You know, the people who transport patients around?” I explained and the suggestion seemed to have poked his curiousity. 

“Hmmm… that’s not a bad idea.. can I go with you today to the hospital?” he asked.  


We ate our breakfast and went to the hospital. I showed Jason where he should ask for a job application and then I checked in at work. Chad was still not at the office and people were getting a little freaked out. None of us knew why he was still in bed. If he was that sick, why hadn’t he visited the hospital? People were still horrified about the murder the other night, it’d come out it was some kind of animal attack and it was the gardener that had been killed. The police were still searching for the beast in the woods.

Back at Rose’s, Derek's POV:

I’d called Jason in advance to make sure he was home. We needed to talk a little bit more about our future plans and.. well.. there was something else that was haunting my mind I needed to discuss with him. I didn’t even get the chance to open the front door myself before Jason opened it for me and yelled, “I GOT A JOB!!!”

“Jesus!! I mean.. hi, and congrats?” I said shocked. He hadn't been talking about job hunting, so it came as a surprise he'd found one. 

“Thank you! Actually, it was Molly’s idea and she doesn’t know it was absolutely brilliant! You’re looking at the sexiest porter in Beacon Hills!” he stated and pointed at his chest. 

“Aaah.. great.. Then we don’t need to come up with excuses when we wanna drive her to work.”

This was actually awesome news. Then we probably won’t end in the same situation as yesterday where we don’t know what to do if she wanna go to work alone. Even though I kinda wished it was me who got work the same place as Molly. I wanted to trust Jason, but.. 

“Yes, it’s perfect. Anyway, was there something else you wanted to discuss?”

“Yeah.. you know my temper sometimes... gets out of hand... I thought I had it all under control.”

“You start turning unwillingly again?” Jason turned serious in an instant. 

“No, it hasn’t happened yet.. it’s just.. I start feeling my temper is getting worse again, and I think it’s the whole Molly situation.” Derek looked down like he was still processing the diffent theories he had on the matter. 

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