The viking and the pirate

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Derek’s POV

I was talking to Tammie when Molly came down the stairs. Tammie was the only reasonable person in the room at that time, Sam and Jason was arguing about the plans for the evening. I usually wasn’t that  into social events like this, it made me feel kinda awkward and uncomfortable. Maybe Jason was right when he called me a social imbecile for turning down parties and things like that in the past - and present for that matter. For some reason the tensiopn in the room irritated me, I was a little confused since it wasn’t close to be full moon so why would my temper screw me over now? Fortunately seeing Molly calmed me down. She was wearing a cute green top that only made her eyes glow even more than they already did. Just a few moments earlier they’d been tearful and terrified, but now they were joyful and carefree. What I also liked about her was that she never exaggerated when she wanted to look pretty – she looked human and not like a Barbie doll.

“I’m back!” She uttered while trying to do an Arnold Schwarzenegger parody. It didn’t go well, but I admired her for trying.

“Aaaand the weirdo is here!” Tammie said and hugged her.

Afterwards she went over to me wearing a big smile that showed her teeth.

“I didn’t scare you off it seems?”

“No, the terminator doesn’t scare me.” I said and smiled back at her - it was hard not to.

“Damn, mission failed. I bet I need an upgrade, huh?”

“I like current the version just the way it is.”

I stroke her left cheek while kissing her softly. Kissing her was always a rush and I really needed to control myself for not being all over her. I didn’t know if it was my animal self or just because I was a typical guy the feeling was so extreme. I’d never felt, what I assume was the feeling of being in love, before so I had nothing to compare it to.

“Love pigeons, cut it off! It’s time for pizza before they get cold! Afterwards we have a nice twister tournament arranged! It’s gonna be deadly!” Jason said loudly.


“SSHH! MOLLY! Twister is deadly, it’s a fact.. now, let’s eat!” He demanded.

I sighed, it was gonna be a long evening. The thought of me being here for Molly’s sake was the primary reason for me to attend, besides I’d go to L.A. tomorrow so I’d like to spend some time with her before going away.

When we’d eaten, Molly got the answer about why Twister was so deadly. Every time someone tripped or failed EVERYONE had to drink. Apparently werewolves need more alcohol than humans, so the girls got tipsy before us guys. Actually I don’t think I got drunk while being at Rose’s, but Jason was getting there. Molly insisted on playing a Danish band on the stereo, and I gotta admit it wasn’t that bad. Maybe it was before I feared the worst, after all Denmark was quite unheard of to me. She got pretty national when she got drunk, maybe she missed the place a little? Hmm.. she actually didn’t speak much of it. But people usually opened up more when getting drunk, so maybe it was one of her coping plans so she wouldn't get homesick. 

Halfway through the first song she’d put on she waved at me – of course, she wanted to dance. I wasn’t a dancer, so I pointed at Jason who of course stepped in for me in just a few seconds. I started listening to the song, and realized it fit my situation. I’d changed ever since she showed up. My dilemma  – was it good or bad?

My thinking was interrupted by Jason who now announced it was time to hit the road and go to The Beacon. Jason grabbed Tammie and Sam and I took care of Molly. She was trying to convince me shoes weren’t necessary and it was actually kind of amusing.

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