The first day in Beacon Hills

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I slowly opened my eyes - I had completely forgotten where I was and why I was there. I jumped out of bed, took a good look around and all the memories from yesterday came back to me. I was really there.. Beacon Hills. I found my watch lying in the pile of clothes I wore yesterday, 10:23 it said. My gosh, it's been a while since I've been sleeping that long. "I must have needed it" I thought to myself. The fall had just announced its arrival here, so I needed some clothes that suited the weather - jeans and a warm shirt. It didn't take long for me to shower and get ready, I was eager to walk around the town and get to know the place. I felt like a tourist! Today was Sunday and I still had until tomorrow before I had to start at the hospital. I hurried down to meet Mrs. Simmons.

"Good morning dear. I let you sleep in, you seemed like you needed it. Are you hungry? I have cereals and bread in the kitchen!" she announced with a big smile.

"Thanks a lot Mrs. Simmons, sounds just perfect." I answered feeling grateful for Rose being so nice to me. I'd had imagined how what she'd be like before I came here, and luckily she was nicer than I'd expected.

"Please, call me Rose. So what are your plans for today?" she aske dme curiously.

"I think I'll start unpacking the rest of the car and carry the last boxes and bags upstairs. Afterwards I'll go see the rest of the town." I was very eager to get in place.

"Sounds like a good plan." she said and smiled at me.

Rose's house looked exactly like the American homes I'd seen on tv - lots of furniture and lots of decorative stuff! I bet every item she owned had its own story and special place in her heart. There were pictures of people on every wall - and it wasn't the same people, but many different faces was caught in the many frames. I didn't dare to ask about them yet, I was afraid I wouldn't hit the city before midnight. Rose seemed like the talkative kind of lady.

While eating my first bowl of American cereals I was wondering what the day would bring. Would I get lost again? Probably. Would Derek have to rescue me? Hehe, I actually wouldn't mind. I started writing a "to do list" on a piece of paper. I've always been a sucker for structure, in fact, chaos wasn't my best friend - I'd rather say enemy. I got that skill from my mother... I wondered what she'd have said about the choice I'd made coming here. It might not have been necessary if she had been alive today. No Molly, do not go down that road now, you've come this far and now you start planning your first day I Beacon Hills.

"To do:

- Cell phone company

- Find out where the pharmacy is

- Find the hospital

- Find the book store

- Find good restaurants

- Find the mall (if there is any)

The list only got longer and at last I decided the rest I had to figure out on the way. After I had unloaded the car, my blue Toyota Avensis, and said good bye to Rose, who'd found an old map of the town and gave to me, I started my quest. I decided to walk since I felt I'd spend a lifetime in my car the last few days. It was a quiet neighborhood I'd found myself staying at, people around me seemed to know each other pretty well and there was no doubt they knew I was "the new renter" and I was the subject on everyone's tounge. I wished I could hear what they said and thought, and again not. After 10 minutes of walking I came to a place that seemed like the center of the city. Shops began to appear and I could cross the pharmacy off my list. I stopped to look at Rose's map, it didn't make much sense to me at all, so I decided to take my chances without it. I came across a few more stores until I found a place that looked like they sold phones and that kind of stuff and I got hooked up with new phone and a new number. It was like getting a whole new identity, I hardly recognized myself anymore. New home, new country, new phone number, new education, and new job. I got goose bumps all over just thinking about it.

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