Still a bit of hope

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After confirming a few questions for the Sherriff, who was very kind and understanding, Jason came back.

“So was it bad?” he asked a little concerned.

I shook my head, it wasn’t as bad as I’d thought.

“Great. But I guess you’d like to think about something else than all of this, right? So I brought this.”

He showed me one of my DVD’s, Expendables 1. I couldn’t help but smile a little, he couldn’t have done anything better to cheer me up. He plugged it into the TV and silently we watched it together. Or well.. I fell asleep in the middle of it. I woke up again a few hours later. I could see Rose had stopped by with muffins, a tray of them was put on the table next to me. Of course a few of them were missing and I knew who the sinner was. I could hear him talking to someone on the other side of the door, Jason hadn’t noticed he’d left it open a bit.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea Derek, she’s sleeping anyway. It doesn’t seem like she’s ready to see you yet, at least that’s what Rose told me when she stopped by.” He said with a sense of doubt written in his tone of speaking.

“But that was this morning; maybe she’s changed her mind after talking to you?” Derek answered, trying to convince Jason.

I was kinda torn. I didn’t know what I wanted because I didn’t know how was gonna react.

“I’m not sure, the doctors told us to be careful not to scare her, it would maybe cause a panic attack. They think it might be a reaction to her loss back in Denmark, but Rose and I think it’s a late reaction for what happened in the woods with Ralph. She should have reacted like this back then, but well…”

“I know.. but if she’s sleeping, can’t I at least see her?”

“I dunno.. besides, what are we gonne do tonight? It’s a full moon.”

“Tammie told me she’d be here all night.”

“I’d feel better if it was one of us.. but it’s the best we can do.” Jason said, I could hear he hated having to go to the woods to change with the others.

“I know.. but Jason, please, just let me see her. She won’t know I’m here.”

“Ok, I’ll go get some coffee and you’ll go, ok?”

“Fine..” Derek answered, he sounded a little annoyed.

I closed my eyes pretending to sleep. I heard Derek’s steps stop abruptly.

“Molly? You’re awake?”

Could he feel that? I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was standing at the end of the bed, I could see he was anxious about what was gonna happen now. He also looked very sad and tired, like someone who hadn’t slept for ages.

I felt my heart pumping more and more, I was sure Derek could hear that too, he was kinda frozen not knowing if he should rush outside. I hated this, I could see it was Derek, I could even recognize the smell of his cologne, so why was I scared of him? I didn’t want to be! Images from the other night started appearing in my head and I couldn’t help but imagine large fangs appearing in Derek’s mouth, his eyes turning red, and claws coming out of his hands.

“Molly, please.. it’s still me..” He said, almost begging.

Suddenly Jason came into the room with panic drawn all over his face.

“What the hell man! Get out, can’t you see you’re scaring her?!”

Jason quickly placed his coffee on the table next to the muffins and dragged Derek outside.

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