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Jason had told me that Molly was gonna be off at 5 pm today, but it was 5:30 now so I started getting impatient and worried. My anxiety disappeared when I saw Molly go through the huge glass doors at the main entrance. She was looking tired so I figured she might have had a hard day at work. Since yesterday I’d actually been looking forward to hang out with her tonight, it had upset me more than  I thought it would seeing her after Jason and I got home last night. Her green eyes all red and without the natural spark of energy they used to posses. All I saw was pain and loss which I could relate to. Before I took off from Rose’s I could hear her sobbing in her room. Even though she smiled at me before she went upstairs I knew she wasn’t ok. Now I’d get the chance to know if she was ok. Even though Rose told us about their talk after Molly went upstairs, I’d still like to know how Molly was holding up. I of all people knew that right when you start thinking you’re getting on the right track, you easily fall down again.

Hmm.. how was I gonna pretend this was a spontaneous meeting? Molly made it easy for me, she dropped her bag on the pavement and a lot of papers and books fell out. I hurried over to help her out.

“Sooo.. you need a hand?” I asked when I stood right next to her.

“ARH! I mean.. hey.. I hadn’t seen you there! Sorry, I’m a little fluffed out.” she excused while picking up her stuff.

“Fluffed out?” I asked, surprised about her weird choice of words.  

“Sorry, isn’t that a word? Well.. just.. maybe a little stressed… can you hand me that paper over there? Thanks. Now I think I have it all. Whew!” she quickly zipped her bag and stood up straight and sighed.

“Why are you so stressed?” I genuinly wondered. 

“Apparently a co-worker of mine is sick so I had to fill some of his patients into my scheme, and I still get lost in there, I don’t know where everything is, and the patients.. oh well.. I just had a long, stressful day..” she explained while waving hands before rubbing her temples.

“You sound like you need something to eat? I’m on my way to order some pizza.. you wanna.. join me?” I asked while starting to feel teenage-awkward. I was not used to ask girls out like this.

“Me? Oh.. Yeah, that’d be nice, I’m actually pretty hungry since I forgot to take my lunch break..” she said looking a bit confused. Wasn't she used to be invited somewhere? 

“Ok, I know just the place.” I picked up her bag and led the way.

I chose my favorite pizzeria. I usually ordered take out, so the staff looked surprised when I didn’t order “to go”.

“This is a nice place.” she said looking around.

"Yeah.. I haven’t noticed really, I usually order take out. So.. you seemed pretty sad last night?” I asked, not trying to sound too nosy.

“Yeah.. I’m sorry about that..” she said suddenly looking ashamed. 

“I just wondered if you were ok, no need to apologize.” I quickly stated. 

“Really? Well I’m better today. A little tired and stressed, but ok.” she sighed and smiled at me like confirming her 'ok' mental state. Maybe I was wrong, but it seemed like she blushed  a little bit too.

“Good.. you know.. if you need to talk more about it, you have my number.. You know.. I lost my family in a tragic accident myself, so I know how it is to be alone.”

For a weird reason I felt like sharing my own story with her. I hadn't felt like doing that to anyone before - at least not someone I just met. It only seemed fair when I knew about her tragedy that she knew about mine too. Plus, if she opened up to me I'd maybe be able to figure out why a werewolf was stalking her.

Red Eyes and Revelations [Derek Hale fanfic]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum