Things start to brighten up

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At 6:45 am I woke up. I was a little confused, I hadn’t heard anything from the people downstairs and I thought they’d have told me if anything was up. It was awfully quiet, I wondered if they were out now. I went downstairs, but no one was there. It looked like someone had been sleeping on the couch though, there was a blanket lying in it all rolled together and a cell phone was lying on the table next to it. It looked like Derek’s phone.

I went upstairs and slowly opened the door to Jason’s room, luckily he was sleeping in his bed. I wondered why I hadn’t noticed his heavy snoring though, he sounded like a bear. I felt bad waking him up, but on the other hand I was a little annoyed that no one had told me about what happened during the night – if anything happened at all.

“*slap slap* Jason?”

I tapped him on the forehead, which worked perfectly.

“Whoah.. hey Molly. Is something wrong?” He asked confused.

“Nothing but a werewolf problem, or is there a problem anymore? You need to tell me what happened when I went upstairs!”

“Oh yes, I’m sorry.” He sat himself up in the bed. His hair was pretty fluffed up, he looked kind of cute.

 “I didn’t wanna wake you up when we came home yesterday, you needed the sleep I thought. But without going into details Derek and I tracked down Ralph and killed him.” he said like it was the most normal thing to do.

“You say it like it was no big deal, you could have been killed?! And what about Sam and Tammie?” I asked shocked.

“Oh yes, first they made a spell that made it possible for us to locate him and see what he was up to. It appeared he was drunk, so it was kinda easy.” Jason yawned, I felt a little bad for waking him up if he’d been on a killing spree all night.

“Oh.. so.. everything is safe now?” I asked.

“For now.. there are still things we don’t know. I think we need to search his apartment for stuff related to your dad’s research and see if he was working alone – or else someone is probably gonna show up looking for him. We need to erase his trail, so to speak.” He said. It was hard to take him serious when he looked like a huge hamster that accidentally ended up in the washing machine.

“I’d like to help with that.. in a way, that research belongs to me now, doesn’t it?”

“You’re right.. but are you sure you want to go there? I’m glad you seem to be feeling better, but I’m a little concerned that you aren’t in some state of shock?”

Jason was right, I was taking this surprisingly well. I didn’t know why, I could only have my hypothesizes about it.

“I know.. maybe it’s because I guess I still trust you. It’s easier to be around you though than being near Derek. I mean, I haven’t seen you in your werewolf state. I still see you as Jason.”

“Btw., what’s the deal with you and Derek?” He asked, his eyes looked teasing. I should have known someone would have noticed by now.

“What do you mean?” I answered, I couldn’t look directly at Jason when I said it since I knew I’d blush.

“Don’t think you can hide it. When did you kiss?” he asked directly.

“You know about that?”

“Now I do! HAH! So when?”

“Uhm.. at the movie night, just before he drove home. You were sleeping.” It was too late now, I started to blush.

“Aha, makes sense now. I’m just a little interested since I haven’t seen him like this around a girl before. I’ve seen him with a girl, but with you he is different.”

“I need a little help here – is that good or bad?”

I was a little interested in knowing about Derek’s ex’s and how they were. I should have know he hadn’t been single until now, he was 25.

“He’s happier, so it’s a good thing. He seems to be more concerned about you, I’ve noticed he’s been checking up on you quite a lot the last few days and I can imagine it’s killing him inside that you had to see him transformed.”

“He is quite concerned.. and patient, it seems. He’d understand if I would end whatever we seem to have started after all this..”

“So do you wanna end it? Do you think you can handle him? There are many things you don’t know about his past.”

This tempted my curiosity, so I had to ask Jason if he could tell me a little more. The worst that could happen would be if he said no.

“I dunno if it’s in my place to tell you too much about it, I think you need to ask him yourself. What I meant was, that you shouldn’t make your decision before you’re certain about your choice. You’re a little vulnerable right now I guess and I know he’d like to have a chance to make you understand why he is.. well.. him.”

He was right. I would have to talk to Derek about it.

“True.. I will.. do you know where he is? His cell is downstairs.” I asked.

“He’s prob. at work, he might come and get it later. Now, will you allow me to take a shower? I feel like a rabbit that was run over!”

“Oh sorry, sure. I’ll check up on Rose then.”

I went to Rose’s bedroom and I got a shock! She was awake.

“ROSE! Omg, you’re awake! How are you?” I rushed over to the bed.

“Good morning sweety. It is morning, right?” she smiled, even though she looked very tired.

“Yes it is… Oh I’m so happy you’re awake, Jason is gonna be thrilled. I wish I could call Derek and tell him about it too, but his cell is downstairs. Can I hug you, do you think it’s ok?” I felt so ecstatic, Ralph was dead and Rose was alive. 

“Of course, come here” I gave her a long, not too tight, hug and I could feel tears slowly running down my cheeks.

“I’m glad you are not afraid of us, I feel bad we had to keep this from you. But you must understand that we live in secrecy.”

“Don’t worry Rose, I’m not gonna tell a soul.”

“Good. Can you pour me a glass of water and then enlighten me in what has happened while I was sleeping?”

“Of course!”

And then I told Rose all about what had happened, at least what I was aware of. She was very relieved that Ralph was out of the picture now, but she also pointed out we need to search his place for further information. Suddenly Jason stormed into the room, he was still wet from the shower and he only wore a towel around his waist.

“GRAMS, YOU’RE UP!!!!” he yelled and stormed over to the other side of the bed and hugged her. I figured they needed time alone, so I went downstairs and prepared some breakfast for all of us.

While making breakfast I got to think about Tammie and Sam. I needed to find out more about the secret they had been keeping from me too. I’d give them a call later, I didn’t want to make them think I didn’t like them anymore. I also felt like I needed to contact my best friend in Denmark, after mentioning her for Derek at the movie day, I’d been feeling more and more bad about leaving her and how I treated her after my family’s death. I decided to write her a long e-mail explaining why I’d acted like I did. But it would be hard not to reveal anything about werewolves..

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