The ultimatum

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My scream died along with my conscious. It was like my body let go of my free will and decided to shut down. What I just witnessed was more than my mind and commonsense could manage to process. The voices in the room only became a blur of mumbling that I only heard but didn’t understand, like when you only read the words in a book but you don’t seem to get the context.

“She fainted. She won’t be for much use now.” Ralph said a bit annoyed.

“Maybe she didn’t know about werewolves?” Chad asked.

“Or maybe she does, but she just hasn’t experienced one yet. We won’t be able to get any information out of her unless we have some bait. You know they are in the woods looking for her now, don’t you?” Ralph asked, he sounded pretty determined about getting the information he needed.

“Derek and Jason?” Chad asked.

“Yes, who else? I will go get them while you stay here on guard.” Ralph growled.

He was still a wolf, tall and dark brown. Chad noticed a belt around his waist, it was the only piece of clothing he wore now after he’d changed. On the belt there were some green balls with some kind of fluid inside attached. Chad wondered what it was, but he was afraid to ask.
When Ralph had left Chad started walking back and forth inside the empty living room. After a while I started waking up again. I felt sick and noxious. I looked up and discovered  that Chad and I were alone again. Did I dream before? Was I hallucinating?

“Aaah, awake once again. So what do you think of the leader?” he asked curious.

“The leader.. I wasn’t dreaming..” I said disappointed.

“No of course you weren’t. He will be back soon though, he had some preparations to take care of, so to speak.” Chad said, he sounded kinda formal like he enjoyed this moment and found himself honorable for what he was doing.

“Chad.. what happened to you? Have you always known this… leader?”

“So now you suddenly feel like talking to me? Well. Now you’ve finally changed your mind I can tell you about what I have been doing last week.”

“You weren’t sick?”

“No, I was.. ’ewolfing’, to be exact. Hehe.. oh you will understand why that is funny when you decide to join him yourself. Anyway, a week ago I was minding my own business when I was walking down the street, then I suddenly met Ralph. He asked me what time it was and when I looked down at my watch he attacked and bit me. Little did I know he’d just given me the best gift ever, I first came to realize what had happened the next morning when I woke up in his apartment. So yeah, you might say I was sick for a short while, but then I began feeling it. The power, my senses increasing, and my stealth. I quickly forgave Ralph for the bite on my left arm, it had almost healed anyway. He told me about how I’d just became part of something important and powerful, and how we need to maintain this power. He will tell you the same thing when he comes back, so I won’t go into details yet. Intriguing, ay?” he sounded so proud that he’d been chosen by Ralph, like it was his destiny to become his pet.

“So.. the whole week this Ralph turned you into a monster? His own little.. pubby?” I asked and I tried to pull myself together and sound angry. If I was gonna die now, I wouldn’t do it without fighting.

“Spare your silly words.. Listen.. he’s already back..”

I couldn’t hear anything at first, but then I heard the sound of heavy paws running towards the house. The door was kicked in and Ralph entered with an unconscious Jason in his arms. He threw Jason down on the floor, which woke him up.

“W-where am I.. why can’t I move? M-Molly?” Jason  mumbled, he was lying on his side and was facing me. He looked kinda drugged.

“As you can see Molly, your dad’s work bore fruit – I just didn’t want to let him use it.” Ralph growled.

He turned around and grabbed his trench coat. He put it on and turned back to human.

“What did you do to him? Why are you still talking about my dad? Let Jason go, he hasn’t done anything to harm anyone.” I screamed.

“Jason’s body is paralyzed, but his mind isn’t. Your dad constructed this new ultimate weapon against werewolves. It is true he was working on rabies medicine, but when he was in Beacon Hills to buy wolfsbane, he caught me changing in the woods. Luckily he hadn’t seen my face, so what happened afterwards became a piece of cake.”

“What? My dad was in Beacon Hills to get that flower?” I squealed. I didn’t wanna know about my dad’s secret plans, my whole illusion of my dad was falling apart and it was the only thing I had left of him.

“He escaped me, I was drunk that night. But I found him in Denmark where he turned the project around, though he didn’t tell the rest of the research team. I decided to create a new identity and trick your father into thinking I was a scientist and he let me in on the team. When all the paper work was done, I didn’t dare to let him make the new weapon against us werewolves, so I decided to kill him along with his family. I took no chances, I didn’t know if he’d told you about what he was really doing.”

“I.. I don’t understand.. I didn’t know..” I cried. I looked down at Jason. He had tears in his eyes too.

He looked like he wanted to say or do something, but he was trapped in his own body.

“Nevertheless, you know now, which means you have two choices. You can either agree to become a werewolf and join my pack.. or.. you’ll be killed.”

“W-what? What about Jason? I.. I won’t let him die because of me.”

“Don’t worry. If you decide to change, I have an antidote here in my pocket. But if you decide to die, I will kill him too. I guess this makes the choice so much easier, doesn’t it?” He grinned, he was very satisfied with himself and his horrible plan. “I will leave you alone for 5 minutes so you can make your decision.”

I was so confused.. I looked down at Jason again. He still couldn’t talk. If I decided to die, he would die too. But if I changed I would spare his life.. but.. if he would let Jason live after he’d seen Ralph as  a werewolf, wouldn’t that mean…?

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