Christian Sommer

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Derek's POV:

I’d just filled Rose in about the little white lie about the sink being broken before I heard Molly come down the stairs.

“Thank you Derek, I didn’t know who else to call this time of the day. If just Jason hadn’t forgotten his phone..” Rose said when she heard Molly coming down the stairs.  

“It’s fine Rose, I was up anyway. Oh.. good morning Molly!” I said trying to act natural.

She looked so surprised, it was almost funny to look at. I guess she’d been in her own world again and my voice suddenly ripped her out of it. She almost tripped down one of the last steps on the stairs and had to grab railing for support.

“Hvad?.. I mean.. good morning. I didn’t expect to see you until Friday, so I got a little.. well.. you surprised me.” she said. 

It seemed like me and Rose didn’t need to make the scene about the sink in case she heard us talking, because Molly hadn’t realized I was here at all.

“Did you sleep well, dear?” Rose asked her. 

“Yeah I did. Is there something I need to bring home for dinner? I feel bad about you cooking for me all the time, I’d like to do something too..” She said. 

“Don’t be like that, I love to cook and it’s always funnier to cook for more people than just me! And now Jason is home we need some extra things in the fridge. I have a list here, then Jason can meet you after work in his car so you don’t have to walk home with all that stuff.” she said and gave Molly a list of groceries.

Rose was awfully good at this, Molly didn’t seem to suspect a thing. I was glad Jason wasn’t home, I was still pissed about last night. Finally I’d met someone.. or well.. a girl that made me smile and feel like.. uhm.. it was hard to explain, because I wasn’t familiar with the feelings I felt when she was around. Then he starts to accuse her of being a liar and a daughter of a werewolf hunter? It was just too unlikely, she wasn’t the type. I’d read the signs, she didn’t lie to me, and Jason who had always been an expert in reading people would have noticed if something suspicious was going on. He did seem like he felt a little bit ashamed at the end of our conversation, but still, I needed some distance if I wasn’t gonna lose my temper. 

“So.. would you like a lift to work?” I asked her. 

“Uhm.. sure. Let me just grab my bag? Hmm.. wherever I put it.. just a moment!”  

I could sense her panicking until she realized the bag was in her hand. How distrait could she be?

“Oh.. it was in my hand.. I guess I’m not fully awake yet..” she blushed a little when we caught eye contact.

“Well, now when you’ve ‘found your bag’ we should get going?” I joked. 

“Yeah true.”


During most of the ride the conversation topics were jokes about Chuck Norris she'd read on the internet last night. Who spends time reading those? Molly obviously, she had a weird sense of humor but I found it a bit charming and amusing anyway. Maybe it was the way she looked when she told them, all excited and enthusiastic.

Later in the afternoon I got a call from Jason. I’d cooled down during a day at work, so I decided not to dodge the call.

“It’s Derek.” 

“Hey, it’s me.. uhm.. I’ve been doing some digging on Christian Sommer. Apparently there’s a few guys with that name in Denmark. There is one retired porn star, a gay teenager and a middle aged gardener from a city called Ålborg. I say we put our money on the last guy, at least I did my further digging on him..” 

“… well.. if you wanna put it that way…” 

“Omg, you pervert!” he uttered, trying to sound like he didn't use those words on purpose.

“Hahaha.. anyway, what did you find when digging in Christian?” I asked. My morning with Molly had soothened me up.  

“STOP IT! You're unbelieveable!", he said, tring to sound offended, "But anyway, I found out he’s both a gardener and a scientist. He’d been working on some projects with plants along with some vets and stuff, I think it was something about ‘nature medicine’. The article where I found that information also said that unfortunately he died in an accident and they try to replace him and until then the project is on standby.” 

“Hmmm… interesting. So Friday I need to find out where she lived in Denmark and what her parents’ jobs were.” I said, thinking about how I'd plan to do that smoothly in a conversation. This wasn't my strong side, interrogating people secretly and all that. I usually went straight to the point.

“Yeah, then we can confirm IF this is her father or some other relative..” 

“True.. but if that is so, that still doesn't proof she'd a hunter.” 

“Derek.. I’m still feeling bad about yesterday..” Jason admitted. 

“It’s ok.. it’s just.. she’s still innocent until we have any proof she's not, and suddenly you just made her sound like some vicious creep that’d try to kill me whenever I turn my back on her. It upsets me a little that you have no faith in my judgement.” I explained.

“I didn’t mean to, sorry. And you’re right, she seems like she’s been telling the truth all along. So.. have you asked her about plans for the weekend?” he asked curiously.

“Yeah, we’ll go bowling on Friday.” 

“Cool, that isn’t too formal!” he said a little excited. 

“What do you mean?” I asked a bit startled.

“She seems like she has a huge crush on you and if you went all in with expensive dinner and a tux you’d kill her! She’d simply blush so much that all the blood in her system would rush to her head and she’d explode!” he said teasingly.  

“HA-HA-HA.. now you’re just being plain stupid. Anyway, you’re in a hurry, you need to pick Molly up for grocery shopping.” A huge crush on me? I doubted that, but the feeling made me feel... good. 

“I know, I’ve been strictly instructed by grandma. I’ll see you around.” 

“Yeah. Bye.”


Later in the evening I went to the woods again to look for signs of a werewolf’s presence. But there wasn’t any.. usually when a wolf showed up a person went missing or got killed, but this time it was different. It was like he was determined and only wanted one thing – and I was afraid it was Molly. The one thing I was sure of was the fact that wouldn’t give her up without a fight!

I went by Rose’s house to see if I could get a glimpse of Molly - just to be sure everything was ok. At least that was the reason I made up in my mind. Her lights were on and I could see she was preparing for bed. She was combing her long brown hair. I could hear she had some weird Danish music on and sometimes she was singing along. I bet she only remembered half of the lyrics. She was inside her own bubble, a bubble I found more and more interesting. After 15 minutes I decided if I stayed any longer I’d become the creepy stalker and.. no one likes a stalker.. so I went home to my apartment and laid myself on my bed. What kind of connection did Christian Sommer have to Molly? And what was he going to do with the wolfs bane? Did he know about werewolves and was he going to create some kind of super weapon against us? I decided to cast away my paranoid thoughts and go to sleep.

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