The strange scent

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Derek's POV:

I was taking a run in the forest when I first came upon a strange scent. I’d smelled it once before, it was almost a year ago. I never found out who or what it was, but my curiosity had been awoken again. It definitely was a werewolf. I didn’t like the thought of a strange wolf in the city. No one likes to hear about mysterious animal attacks, it always makes things difficult for us who live here and keep a low profile. After one hour of searching without results I gave up.

I went to work at the chop shop. I’d been working there for a few months. I didn’t have a money problem, I’d inherited a lot of money from my parents so I just needed something to do – besides, cars were one of my interests, not to say my only interest. I’d been lonely since my family’s death and hadn’t been able to socialize much since the accident besides living in LA for a while. 

After work I caught the scent again. I followed it but got distracted by Molly. She was standing in the middle of the street in a blue dress. Her long brown hair was down and carressed her shoulders gracefully. I was hiding behind a tree so she wouldn’t notice me. She smiled at two girls across the street, I knew them, they were laid back girls and to me they seemed like good company for a confused girl who needed some help settling. But suddenly her face expression changed, it was like she froze. She looked towards some bushes and THERE! He was sitting in the bushes! Tammie and Sam had caught Molly’s attention again and I hurried towards the bushes to make sure he was gone – and he was. He was definitely an alpha. Why was he here? Was he stalking Molly or was it just a coinsidence? I didn’t take any chances, so I decided to stay watch in the neighborhood and make sure Molly got home safely. I knew Rose would appreciate that too if she knew an alpha was on the loose. It was nice Rose knew about me, of course she would since she's a werewolf herself but she had managed not to turn willingly for many years. She didn't tell me why though. Her grandson Jason, my best and only friend, was a wolf too, but he’s been travelling for the last month. They were the only two people in this town that was close to what I considered family.

Oh my God” I thought. At last Tammie, Sam, and Molly got out from the Beacon. It seemed like they’d had a good time, they were all drunk and swaying on the pavement like bowling cones upside down! Tammie seemed most sober though, she was trying to keep Sam on her feet. Now was the time to take action, I could hear them trying to discuss how Molly got home safe and it didn’t seem promising. I kind of startled her, because out of sudden she turned around and bumped right into me. She apologized and said she meant me “no arm?”. Gosh. She was really wasted! But she looked kinda cute when she looked up and realized it was me. Tammie and I both thought it was best that I followed Molly home. On the way Molly tried to convince me that she didn’t need any support, but first after three times of nearly tripping over her own feet she agreed to take my arm. I could hear and feel her heart rate drop and it was like she became more relaxed. Out of a sudden she told me her parents had died in a car crash and that was the reason for her moving. I didn’t know what to say, the news came out of nowhere. But I sympathized with her, I felt her pain. I felt her eyes on me and I knew she tried to analyze my face expression. Somehow I’d pulled her closer, I didn’t notice when I did it, it must have been some kind of reflex since I had no words. She didn’t seem to mind though.

When we finally came back to Mrs. Simmon’s place I convinced her it was for the best I carried her up in her room. She almost fell asleep in my arms, usually I feel like I give people the creeps, but she seemed totally relaxed. Maybe it was just because she was drunk? Anyway, she mumbled something weird on the bed and then she fell asleep. I took off her sandals and found a blanket and tucked her in. She looked so peaceful. I sat in her room for 30 minutes, just watching her sleep. It was like her presence gave me hope and comfort. At last I pulled myself together and left the house. I had to talk to Rose about this, I knew I had to. I would call her in the morning.

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