46. The Mayor

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I'm back. Back again.

Most of this chapter is gonna be a little more lighthearted, since all I write about is murder and death and more murder so yeah.

Here you gooooooo


There will be a darker scene that's actually from the show. ;)

Sam's P.O.V

My eyes instantly flick open when I hear the door to my room close.

I sit up from the bed, wearily eyeing Jerome as he steps closer.

"Who was laughing?" I ask, seriously confused at the loud chortles I heard coming from downstairs. It wasn't Jerome. Jerome's laugh is very distinctive.

"You don't need to worry about that," he replies.

Naturally, I worry about it, but I keep quiet.

"You did what I asked you to," he observes, looking down at his shirt that I put on, replacing Jeremiah's.


An awkward silence rings out, as Jerome just stares at me, while I look at my hands sat in my lap.

After a minute or two, he steps closer to where I'm sat - the kingsized bed.

Regret hits me when he slips under the covers, sliding off his jacket and shirt in the process. Goddammit. I could've just sat on the floor.

Fuck it.

I'm tired, so fuck it, I'm sleeping in the bed. If he makes a big move on me, I will karate chop his face, no matter the consequences.

I lay down, turning away from him.

Before I can close my eyes though, an arm wraps around my waist, pulling my back into a sculpted chest.

Fuck, fuck, fuck... Fuck.

I try to pry his arms off of me, only for him to hold onto me tighter, somehow bringing me even closer to him.


"Just let me hold you," Jerome cuts me off, his tone sounding different. "I just want to be able to hold you again, like before. You can go back to hating me tomorrow. Or the day after."

I sigh, "You promise you won't try anything?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

"... Fine," I huff out, shocked at his mood change. Then again, this whole situation screams 'Stockholm Syndrome'. He's probably trying to make me fall for his antics. Well, too bad. Cause I won't. Probably.

I feel myself relax, despite the emotions in my head. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep in his arms, as if nothing has happened. As if he didn't become a murderer.

So much for karate chopping his face.


Jerome's P.O.V

I wake up first, Sam's vanilla scented hair soothing me and slightly pissing me off at the same time, since she probably washed the shampoo into her hair while she was at Jeremiah's.

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