Girls/Guys/Kids Info

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Lucy Heartifila (Sloth)

Age: 25(real age)

Hair: Blonde (Short)
(Long Currently)

Eyes: Chocolate Brown

Magic: Celestial Spirit, Star dress, Goffried, Urano Metria and Fairy Sphere (Along With Fairy Tail)

Family: Kuro (Husband), Luke (Son), Kuruse (Daughter), Layla (Late Mother), Jude (Late Father)

Levy Shirota (McGarden)

Age: 25(real age)

Hair: Blue(Long)
Blue (Short Currently)

Eyes: Brown

Magic: Solid Script

Family: Mahiru(Husband) and Hiyama(Son)


Juvia Lockser (Greed)

Age: 25(Real age)

Hair: Blue (Long)

Eyes: Blue

Magic: Water, Unison Raid and Molding Magic (Water-Make)

Family: Hyde(Husband, Hanabi (Daughter) and Nana(Daughter)


Erza Jekylland Todoroki (Scarlet)

Age: 26 (real age)

Hair: Scarlet (shoulder Length)
(Currently to the waist)

Eyes: Brown

Magic: Re-quip: The Knight, Second Origin

Family: Licht(Husband), Zero(Son) and Rosemary( Daughter)


Mirajane Alicein

Age: 26(Real Age)

Hair: White (Long)

Eyes: Blue

Magic: Demon Takeover

Family: Mikuni(Husband), Yuuta(Son), Lisanna(Younger Sister), Misono(Brother-In-Law), Kenji(Nephew)


Lisanna Alicein

Age: 25(Real age)

Hair: White (long)
(Short currently)

Eyes: Blue

Magic: Animal Takeover

Family: Misono(Husband), Kenji(Son) and Mirajane(Older Sister), Mikuni(Brother-In-Law), Yuuta (Nephew)


Cana Alberano (Lust)

Age: 25(Real Age)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Violet

Magic: Card Magic and Fairy Glitter

Family: Lily(Husband) and Shouka(Daughter)


Evergreen Envy

Age: 27(Real Age)

Hair: Light Brown (Long)

Eyes: Dark Brown

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