We Don't Regret It

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Cana Pov

It was suddenly raining now...Juvia must be sad too...We dragged them with us as we saw that the army they brought was on the ground. "So they were also dead already...these poor souls..." Juvia tells us as we all looked sad for these people...

But we were even more sad that we couldn't save them...the ones that saved us and protected us.... "Freed...I'm sorry...I couldn't save you...!"I shouted in tears as I fell to my knees...


Ever Pov

We saw our guildmates and our husbands running towards us...I feel bad for these dead wizards being used for a dark wizards evil deeds...

But even so I am more sad that we lost them and weren't able to save their life's like they did for us... "Elfman...I'm so so sorry...!" I shouted in tears as I also fell to my knees...


Lisanna Pov

I felt bad for these dead people being used for evil deeds...the others were coming over to us right now....

I fell to my knees as I was so sad that we weren't able to save them like they did for us... "Bickslow...please forgive me...!" I shouted in tears....


Lucy Pov

Fairy tail and our husbands were coming towards us but that was not on my mind right now. They were used for his evil plans just like he used my parents...and used Them...

Tears came streaming down my cheeks as I was even more sad of losing the guys...sure they can be idiots but they saved us... "Natsu...I'm so very...sorry for...not being...able to...save you...!" I cried out in tears as I was on my knees.


Erza Pov

I felt bad they were being used for his evil plans and they weren't able to go against him at all. I felt bad for them but now they are able to be free from his magic...

Tears were streaming "Jellal...I'm even more sad...that we weren't able to bring you guys...back...!" I cried out as I fell to my knees in tears....


Mira Pov

I was already in tears as I saw how he used these poor souls for his evil doings just to kill us. How can he even live with himself at all but now they are free...

I suddenly fell to my knees in tears and I cried out too "I'm so so sorry Laxus that I....couldn't save you at...all...!" I was crying so much right now.


Levy Pov

Everyone was coming close to us as I was lost in thought right now. These poor souls were just being used but at least they are able to Rest In Peace now...

But can they...i fell to my knees and covered my face with my hands. "Gajeel!...Please forgive me...!" I cried out in tears as I was a mess now...


Juvia Pov

Juvia was sad that these people weren't able to Rest In Peace but now they will be able too since we were able to defeat them now...

Juvia suddenly felt tears drip down as it was still raining too... "Juvia...is sorry...Gray for...not being able...to protect you...!" Juvia cried out while crying.


Wendy Pov

I stopped walking as I was so very sad for these people that were used but I was even more sadder cause I was not able to save them at all...

I fell to my knees as tears were dripping and I looked up at the rainy sky.... "Romeo...! I'm sorry...! I'm so sorry..!" I cried out as I kept repeating it over and over in tears.


No one Pov

Suddenly the girls looked up to see the boys that they couldn't save with a smile on their faces. As the girls looked with tears still on their faces...

"Natsu/Gray/Romeo/Laxus/Jellal/Elfman/Freed/Bickslow/Gajeel!" The girls cried the boys names as they hugged them as they smiled softly at them. "Was it a dream?!" Lucy shouted in tears hoping it was...

Natsu and the guys looked at them as they shook their heads. "No Luce it's not...I'm sorry." Natsu told Lucy as she was shocked.

"We wanted to see you girls one last time and tell you something." Bickslow said as that got the girls attention.

"What is it?" Ever asked for herself and the girls, the boys smiled still. "We wanted you to all know that we don't regret saving you girls at all." Elfman spoke up "We want you girls to know even if we lost your love we would still give our life's up for you all." Romeo said "To make sure you all stay safe and alive." Laxus finished.

The girls were in more tears now as they tried to stop crying. "Don't go..." Wendy said in tears as the boys smiled at the girls. "Our time is up." Gray said as Juvia eyes widen in shock and so did the other girls.

"NO DON'T GO!!!" The girls shouted in tears as the boys gave them one last smile and said "We will always love you girls." And with that they disappeared as the girls were back in the real world...

They explained to Fairy Tail what happened to the boys and how they saved them...they were all devastated that they lost the guys...

They were able to help Mina as she was now able to Rest In Peace now thanks to the girls and Fairy Tail. The undead wizard was taken into custody and is in prison now...

To be continued

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