The attack

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Mira Pov

I was still worried about what had happen to Mikumi and the others...I looked around smiling at the view of the guild 'I missed this guild so much...I missed them all...' I thought to myself.

...Suddenly we all felt something wrong...


The guild doors blasted open as there was a girl standing but she was smiled at us along with her teammates. I couldn't see her face clearly because of the dust.

"Is everyone okay!" The master shouted as a couple of people said yea to him. I saw the Mikuni protected to kids from the explosion.

"Where are Lucy, Erza, Mirajane, Lisanna, Cana, Wendy, Evergreen, Levy and Juvia at. You all better answer if you know what's good for you all." A woman with long black hair came walking in. The dust was clearing.

Our eyes widen in complete shock "Niko!" The woman smirked at us. "Oh so you do remember my dear sister Niko. The one that you all defeated and locked away forever." The Woman says to us.

No one POV

"Sister your saying your Niko twin sister!" Evergreen shouts in shock. "Yes. My name is Mina, I came to get revenge on the ones that took down my sister." She tells them.

The girls eyes widen as they felt Mina magic energy. "What the hell is this amount of magic!" Gray shouted as he saw the girls in fear. It was more powerful then Niko magic.

Even though the girls husband's don't have magic they can feel how strong they are, they even know how strong Mina is. "...What is this..." Kuro whispered to himself and suddenly a group of girls came into view.

"Let me introduce you to my puppets, come in my master pieces." Mina ordered as nine figures came walking in. (Wendy's had to be a separate picture.)


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Everyone eyes widen at seeing those girls that just walked in

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Everyone eyes widen at seeing those girls that just walked in. "Those are..." Licht paused he didn't need to say anything at all, they all knew just by looking at them.

Mina smirked at all of the guild's expressions "Now attack my puppets." the look alike girls attacked. The girls snapped out of thought as they prepared for battle "requip: Samurai Clothes" Erza managed to block her look alike.

"Now is a good time to attack my followers." More people came out of hiding and attacked the guild hall. Everyone was fighting now expect for the girls lover who are protecting their kids.

To be continued

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