Different Ways to Have a Pokemon Battle

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As many of us all know, there isn't just one way to have a Pokemon battle. Some people prefer the competitive route, while others are more casual. Without further ado, here's a list of all the different ways you can have a Pokemon battle. 

1. Competitive 

2. Casual 

3. Coordinator 

4. Retarded

5. Does not understand type matchups 

6. Only battles wild Pokemon 

7. Run away

8. Paralyzed by fear

9. During a gym battle

10. Against the champion

11. Pessimistic 

12. Performer (doesn't actually know how to battle) 

13. Choreographer 

14. Nervous 

15. Triple battle

16. Rotation battle

17. Double battle

18. Tag battle

19. Arguing with your partner 

20. Showoff 

21. Overly scientific 

22. Single battle

23. Asleep

24. Drunk

25. High

26. Bored

27. Obnoxious 

28. YouTube drama

29. Anytime in front of your rivals

30. Anytime in front of anyone 

31. IDGAF 

32. Rage quit 

33. Know-it-all 

34. Cold

35. Hot

36. Out of time 

37. Disobedient Pokemon 

38. Monkeys

39. Anytime battling your idol

40. Spinning

41. Straight

42. Not straight

43. Defying laws of physics 

44. Ballistic Pokemon 

45. False start

46. Forgetting your Pokemon's moves

47. Anime

48. Game

49. Metronome

50. Musical

51. Out of sync with your Pokemon 

52. All your Pokemon hate you

53. Brainwashed Pokemon 

54. Roasted

55. Distracted

56. While doing a handstand

57. While doing cartwheels

58. While doing push-ups

59. While doing sit-ups 

60. Anytime in front of your more talented family

61. Forgot your Pokemon 

62. Sassy

63. Zero attention span

64. Anytime against someone dumber than you

65. Troll

66. Trying to impress someone

67. While studying for exams

68. Anytime in front of your biggest critic 

69. Sleep-deprived

70. Grumpy

71. Con artist

72. Training 

73. When you have to deal with Misty 

74. Ignoring your partner 

75. Beginner

76. Ignoring your teacher 

77. Abusing your Pokemon 

78. Scream every time something goes wrong 

79. While drinking tea

80. While drinking soda

81. While eating lunch 

82. While eating any other meal

83. With a headache

84. With the flu 

85. With any other type of illness 

86. While juggling 

87. Making random switches 

88. Using only one Pokemon 

89. Overthinking everything 

90. Psychoanalyzing your opponent 

91. Overly aggressive 

92. Passive 

93. Passive-aggressive 

94. While playing an instrument 

95. Nonverbal 

96. I forgot to teach my Pokemon damaging attacks 

97. Skipped straight to the first gym without training or catching any Pokemon 

98. After a wifi battle crashes

99. While trying to rap 

100. Pretending you're actually the champion 

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