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I'm looking at Dominic and he looks like I have two heads.

"Um Dominic?"

"Are you pregnant?"

I start laughing.

"No I'm not pregnant. That'd be a horrible way to tell you."

Ok he's relaxing.

"I was just wondering if you've ever thought about it."

"Yeah actually I have. But I don't want kids now. Maybe in a couple years."

"Ok good to know. Have I freaked you out?"

"A little bit."

"Are you gonna be weird for the rest of the day?"

He laughs softy.

"No I'm ok seriously. Just wasn't expecting this conversation this morning."

"Yeah I get that, sorry."

"It's ok. Something we had to eventually talk about."

He reaches up pulling me down to his chest hugging me.

"Ok this is gonna be a stupid question but are you still on birth control?"

"Yes i am."

"I've had you completely naked a few times since we've been back together and I never noticed your patch."

I groan loudly. I climb off of him and go to my panty drawer. And I toss my pills at him.

"I'm sorry."

"The patch wouldn't stick to me. Dominic I'm not looking to get pregnant anytime soon. Got it!"

"Yes I'm sorry. Here are your pills. You know that was one way I knew Candice and I weren't meant to be."

"What do you mean?"

"She told me one time she never wanted to have kids because she didn't want no puking, crying, drool machine fucking up her body."

"Wow she really said that? What a cunt."

"We weren't even having a conversation like this either.

We were at the beach one day and these little kids were building a sandcastle. This little girl probably 3 years old came up to me and asked to help.

She kept asking me about my tattoos. She was really adorable. Then when I came back to sit with Candice she told me all that."

While he was telling me his story I could actually picture him on the beach playing in the sand.

"You're so amazing."

Later that night we were both getting ready to go to the club. I didn't want to go in before they just opened. I wanna sneak in.

"You're car or mine?"

"Will take yours but I'm driving."

Of course he is.

"Hey I just thought of something."

"What's that love?"

"Since we're married technically this car is also mine now."

Is he serious right now? I start laughing.

"Well ok so is your Lotus mine now too?"

"Of course!"

Not the answer I was expecting.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course baby girl. What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine."

"I love you."

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