1-A/1-B Alliance!

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Here it is, the first of possibly many filler chapters to come. As I stated in the previous chapter, the events of this part will take place between the combat training and sports festival chapters. This is entirely new territory for me as I have nothing to go off of. I hope it urns out alright if you decide to read this. If not, please skip ahead to the next chapter, where I will be starting the training camp arc. Enjoy!

It was 3 days before the sports festival was set to begin. A special class had been put into order and six of the students from my class were chosen to attend it. I, obviously was one of them. The students who were chosen were myself, Kendo, Tetsutetsu, Shiozaki(Quirk: Vines), Honenuki(Quirk: Softening), and Tokage(Quirk: Lizard Tail Cut). We sat in our desks and waited as Mr. Kan explained what we will be doing today. "For today's special session, you six were chosen. We'll be doing crime scene investigations today with some of the students in class 1-A. There is six of them as well. You'll all be paired up with one of the members from the other class. This'll help with your teamwork skills and possibly, build a relationship with some of your fellow hero course classmates." He explained to us as we all nodded our heads. "Yes sir." We all said to him. "Good, now get into your hero costumes and meet me down at battlegrounds beta. You have fifteen minutes. I shouldn't have to remind you all not to be late." He said as he exited the classroom.

We all met at the entrance to battlegrounds beta. The students from class 1-A were there as well. The six chosen from that class were Midoriya, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Tokoyami, and Asui. We all stood together as we waited for our homeroom teachers to explain how this exercise will work. 1-A's teacher spoke first, he was a very gloomy looking man who spoke very softly. "Today you'll all be working in pairs in different investigative scenarios. You'll each have the opportunity to improve your mental capacity through these exercises." He said as Mr. Kan stepped in. "That's right, each pair will complete some sort of scenario, the first group to complete their mission will receive an award. Possibly info on the sports festival. So all of you try your hardest." he said as we all responded. "Yes sir." 

The pairs were made and I was grouped up with Jiro. We would be working on investigating a kidnapping crime scene. "Now that all of you know who you're working with and what your trying to complete, there is one more thing I must tell you. All of your missions will involve combat at some stage. Like the USJ, there will be stunt double prepared to combat you, and yes, you may use your quirks to your extent on them. Just don't go overboard. I wish you all luck, now get to your locations." Mr. Kan said as we all left to start our assignments. 

Me and Jiro arrived at our destination, it was just a bedroom that looked all torn up. "They sure made this look convincing." Jiro said to me. "You got that right. I don't know where to start. I guess we should inspect for clues first." I said as we both spread out in the room. She searched through some of the drawers in the room while I checked under the bed. While looking underneath, I found a business card. "Nemuri Kayama, Hero agency." It had written on it with a picture of Midnight, not in her costume. I called over Jiro and showed it to her. "Think this is a clue to what happened?" I asked her. "Maybe, Midnight could be the victim here. Let's find some more clues though before we make any conclusions." She said as we continued our search. Jiro searched through a closet at the back of the bedroom. Inside she found writing on the wall that looked like someone scratched it in. "Cry get over here. I found something." She said as I made my way over. I took a peek inside and saw the writing on the wall. It said, "Revenge, child lost, Personal." But what could it mean. "It seems Midnight was possibly doing a rescue mission but was unable to save someones child. I guess that person now wanted revenge and kidnapped Midnight." I said to Jiro as she agreed with me. After a few more minutes of searching, I saw that there was a phone on the floor in one of the corners. I picked it up, then in the corner of my, I spotted an answering machine. It was flashing so there was a message still on it. I clicked to play the message and listened to what it would say. "Hello miss Kayama, you don't know me but I know you very well. I'm sure you've forgotten what happened by now, i'kk be sure to remind you when I "pay a visit" later. We'll be going out to your agency so we can discuss what you did. I'll be seeing you shortly." The message ended and I called Jiro over. "The victim is at the hero agency! The message on this answering machine told me everything. Midnight didn't listen to this message so she didn't know someone was coming to take her. We have to get to that agency right now!" I said as she nodded her head and we exited the bedroom. We knew that we couldn't leave the battlegrounds so it made sense that a replica building of Midnight's agency was somewhere in the area. "It'll be easier to find it if we fly. Grab onto my arm, i'll carry you over." I said to Jiro as I reached out my hand to her. She grabbed it and I sprouted my wings and took off. We searched through the area, looking for some place that looked like a hero agency. After about a minute of searching, we came across a tall building with the words "Nemuri Kayama" on it. "That must be the place." Jiro said to me. I took us closer to the ground, near the side of a nearby building so we wouldn't be spotted. We landed and slowly made our way to the entrance. It was a three-story building, they were most likely keeping Midnight on the top floor. We made our way to the entrance and leaned against a wall there. Jiro crouched down and used one of the earphone jacks in her ears. She injected it onto the wall we were leaning on and she listened to see if anyone was there. "I think I only hear one person. They're just walking around." She said as she took out her jack from the wall. "Ok, we're going in" I said as I slowly opened the front door. Jiro was correct, there was only one person there. Luckily for us he had his back turned to we were able to hide pretty easily. I crouched behind a desk while Jiro did the same on the other side of the room. I purposely shoved a keyboard on the ground to draw the mans attention over to me. He noticed the sound it made and began walking toward me. I quickly generated 2500 psi into my left arm and prepared to knock him out. He looked over the desk to see what caused the keyboard to fall on the ground. Before he could react I delivered and uppercut to his jaw. I sent him backwards and Jiro caught the man before he landed on the ground. We then tied his hands and feet up with some leftover electrical cords and made our way up to the second floor. 

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