Update: Returning!

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Well, it certainly has been quite a while, hasn't it? I would love to say i'm sorry, but after how long it's been, I know you won't accept it. So, i'll just get right into this and explain what's going on. 

-Resuming: Yes, the story is going to be resuming very soon, i'm already working on the next chapter. However, during the time from when the last chapter was released, I have also released two sequel stories to this one, "MHA in America," and "MHA World," the second of which is still in the works. Both are set after the events of when MHA is supposed to end(whenever that may be), and follow brand new casts, like, big casts. 50+ OC's. They still feature classic canon characters, as well as returning OC's like our boi, Cry. But, with the events that occur in those stories, it has set what is canon in Ace and what isn't. Sadly, the Evil Cry timeline is no longer canon, so I will be discontinuing it, thus meaning i'm starting this story back from a good Cry perspective. If you'd like to move onto the sequel stories, you may, as I've tried to bridge together what has happened in between all the stories, even things that have yet to be seen in this story, which I plan to cover soon. And as for this story, in terms of where i'm going to resume it, I'm going to do the Class B version of the filler episode that is featured at the start of the season 4 anime, the one where the photographer is going around interviewing everyone. I feel like that'll help everyone reading this get to know all of Class B once more, as well as our main character, Cry.

-Changes: In terms of what's being changed, there's actually a handful of things. First of all, I will not be covering the Heroes Rising movie in Class 1-B's Ace, as I have already done so in MHA in America. It's still from Class B's perspective, and it's a flashback arc. Secondly, there's an big event in that arc which i'll have to explain later on. Next, i'm going to begin to cover Cry as I did during that same arc. When I originally wrote him after he acquired his Reality quirk, he seemed too accustomed to it already, as he seemingly mastered it right off the bat. I'm changing that so it appears he still learning, and far from mastering it. Even his trademark portal techniques will be difficult to him now. And lastly, if you recall during the Overhaul arc, after Cry gained the new Reality powers, he used it to copy One for All. Well, because of that, he now possesses One for All permanently, just like Midoriya. The explanation is that when he copied it in his right diamond arm, the power surged into the rest of his body, and it stayed there. However, the drawback for him is that he can only use it at max 100%. He had One for All during the Heroes Rising arc, and like Midoriya, he was forced to share it with another. Two others, in this case. Cry shared OFA with both Kendo and Monoma, and the three of them have decided to keep this newly sprouted OFA a secret to everyone, even All Might and Midoriya.

-How much more: Unless if the manga is near its end, which a lot of people are speculating, this story is going to end in the war arc which ended fairly recently in the manga. I already have everything planned out, and it all works, even the stuff that connects to the sequel stories. This story is already 100+ chapters(even though a good chunk are filler), so I don't want it to go on too much longer. In fact, we really only have 2 more arcs to go before this story concludes. The war arc, and then a sort of original one that'll come before it. It's essentially Cry's side of the new work studies arc.

I do believe that is it, I said all I needed to get off my chest. Of course, if anyone has any questions, do not hesitate to leave them as a comment or send it to me through conversations or private messages. I always respond A.S.A.P! Unless of course i'm working or sleeping, lol. I really can't wait to get back on board with this and FINALLY finish it off! This MHA trilogy will be the culmination of what will be close to 5 years of work! So let's complete it right! And keep your eyes open for that new chapter! I'll leave an announcement on my profile when it's out! See ya!

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