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i'm that girl trying to be happy again, but can't because everything is so broken that she doesn't know where to start

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊i'm that girl trying to be happy again, but can't because everything is so broken that she doesn't know where to start

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EVERYTHING froze as Ophelia watched Jeremy Gilbert stab her brother in the chest.

Her heart constricted, feeling as if her rib cage was closing in on herheart, suffocating it. She was drowning in her thoughts and her despair, her pain. She was going to that red door in her mind. And that was never a good thing.

So, when she heard the Bennet witch come up behind them, she snarled, turning around, her voice face showing. She launched herself at the witch, sinking her fangs into her jugular, savoring the sweet, sweet taste of witches blood.

You know, that was until she was giving an aneurysm, making her reel back in pain, so much pain that she screamed, clutching her head, blood spilling from her mouth.

And even though she was hurting, mentally and physically, she still forced herself to meet eyes with the Bennett witch. "I...I don't care how long it takes, but I will kill you and your friends. I will make this town rain blood!" She shouted before she sped away.

SHE stumbled into the Mikaelson mansion, blood covering every inch of her body, her eyes blotched from crying so hard.

"Sister!" Elijah shouted, running towards his youngest sister. He held onto her shoulders, getting a look of how broken she looked. "What happened?"

"Kol - Kol...he's dead," Ophelia gasped out, finally saying it out loud. Kol had died hours ago and ever since then, Ophelia have been off, maiming and murdering anyone who dare crossed her path. "That Gilbert asshole and his doppelganger whore of a sister killed him. They killed him, Elijah!" She sucked in a breath, her eyes widening. "He's... dead. Kol... is dead." She gasped, covering her mouth before she let out a blood curling wail that was heard throughout the whole town.

"What the bloody-" Rebekah stopped mid-sentence as she walked into the living room to see her baby sister gasping for breath. "What happened? Is she okay? Ophelia!" She ran towards her sister, cradling her head. "What-what happened to her?"

"She said Kol is dead," Elijah stated, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Poppycock!" Klaus shouted as he stormed into the room. He had heard what his brother had said and doesn't want to believe it. "Our dearest sister doesn't know what she's saying. Just look at her, she looks cra-"

"I don't care if you believe me or not, Niklaus!" Ophelia shouted which made everyone turn to her in surprise. She has never called Klaus by his full name, never. So, this must be very important. "They have killed - no, murdered our brother right in front of me. They used that god-foresaken stake that you decided to keep!" She screeched, her dark eyes, so much like Elijah's, grew darker, much colder. "I will get my revenge on them," She declared. "One way or another." She tilted her head, a sinister smirk forming on her face. "They wanted fire? Well, too bad for them because my speciality is ice."

"Sister," Elijah whispered. "I don't think-"

"Until I get my revenge, I'm leaving," Ophelia declared. "I can't stay in the god-foresaken town any longer. Too much has happened, too much hasn't happened. Until I find the best way to get my revenge, I am going off on my own and there is no way that anyone can change my mind!" She stormed upstairs, only the clacking of her heels were heard throughout the mansion.

The Mikaelson siblings stood in shock. Sure, they have seen Ophelia angry, delirious even, but never like this. This town had definitely touched her in all the wrong ways. Knowing that, the siblings didn't try to stop their youngest from leaving, even Klaus, because they knew that she needed her space or many, many, many people would end up dead, probably them included.

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