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the horror you have committed is not who you are

OPHELIA and Bella started up at the Cullen's home, their hands linked, and their expressions hard

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OPHELIA and Bella started up at the Cullen's home, their hands linked, and their expressions hard. They were ready for a confrontation.

They had spent all might, searching about Cold Ones, what they were, what they could do, how they looked, etcetera. But, they did not know truth from fiction, so they decided to take it up by themselves, and go straight to the problem.

So, here they were, walking up to the door with confidence, looking like true twins.

"Hello," Carlisle greeted as he opened up the door just as the twins approached the front door. "What are—"

"No time for that," Ophelia snapped. "We know what you are." She tilted her head as she saw his eyes widen, and how he gulped. "And we want answers, now."

"Come in," Carlisle said, and the twins stepped through the threshold, and walked into the living room where the rest of the family was. It was like they were already ready to be confronted.

"You came here for answers," Edward stood up as he approached them, his eyes switching between them. "Well, we want them, too."

Ophelia tilted her head. "You do?"

"There was no way that I could've pushed that truck that hard, and leave that big of a dent," He started and she chuckled.

"So you want answers on why you're weak?" She clicked her tongue. "Well, I cant really help you there."

"O..." Bella nudged the original in the side, but she was also chuckling did to the look on Edwards face.

"Can they leave before I rip open their throats?!" Rosalie threatened as she stood up. "They're pathetic humans who are going to put our lives on the line! Let's just take them to the Volturi and have them deal with the insufferable—"

Rosalie was cut off when Ophelia suddenly flashed over to her, and held her up by her neck, cracking it. "You listen here, and you listen good, no one threatens me or someone I care about or they will be the ones getting their throats ripped out!" She threatened and tightened her hold even more before letting the blonde fall to the ground. "We know what you are, and we are not stupid enough to go out in the world screaming that some pathetic excuses of vampires exist."

"She's right," Bella said, standing tall. "After all, we got secrets of our own, and we — just like you — would like to keep them on the down low. Now, instead of threatening or saying completely stupid, how about you let 'Phelia speak before she does as she said; rip your throats out," she paused, "and with her teeth, too." She smirked as the original reached her side.

"I've taught you well, little one," Ophelia said with a proud smirk plastered on her face.

"You already know what we are," Carlisle spoke up after checking on Rose. Now, all the Cullens were standing up, facing the dark haired girls in surprise. "But, we do not know what you are."

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