nineteen | 19

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A/N: I've watched that gif probably a million times. No joke.



The time I'd been here laying back on my couch, is unknown; and there was one thing that's constantly been on my mind over the course of the week. On my mind like a fucking broken record; it was one that I truly loved.

How the fuck did she do that? How could she possibly know? I've always carried this gun on me and no one has ever seen it. If they do catch on, it could quickly be taken from me in a moment of despair; but hasn't happened. Though, how did I know that she wasn't someone from another gang that came to take me down? She could easily be here to take me out. The question was, why hasn't she? The thing was, I firmly believed that she wasn't.

It was then that it occurred to me; with everything I knew about Céline, I still didn't know her. I opened up to her about almost my entire life in one sit down. She knew things about me that I hadn't even thought about in months. She knew half of who I was; yet she was still that same hidden mystery to me. She claimed that she didn't believe in secrets, but she was a whole secret on her own. Everything about her was a secret.

Céline, though, her name is absolutely beautiful. It suits her. I never would have guessed it. It's elegant, as she is. It's graceful, as she is. It's soft, as she is. It's heavenly, as she is.

My eyes were shut as I vividly remembered every single conversation I had with her. A small smile even crept along my lips as I thought about her - C. There was something about her that I just couldn't get enough of. It was her presence around me. I felt normal being with her. It was something that I hadn't felt in months; but it wasn't only that. She put a terrifying feeling that I hadn't felt since much before it all happened and something that I hadn't felt in years - the purity within me.

Those feelings were immediately removed as the sound of my phone ringing echoed through my house. I could sense the vibrations somewhere beside me, so I reached out, tapping on the couch, until I caught my mobile between my hand. I took a peek at the screen to see who was calling me, and of course, the time was pretty much right on cue since the time he'd contact me. Letting out an annoyed groan, I swiped my finger along the glass surface, and brought the phone up to my ear.

"H, how's it going?" My friend perkily spoke through the phone. I could just imagine he wore a grin as wide as could be as he spoke to me. "I haven't seen you in forever."

"I saw you last week, Dylan." I let out an annoyed breath.

"Hence my point. That's forever in my eyes." He said, highly amused.

"Of course it is." I muttered.

"You're not happy to talk to me, are you?"

"I'm not happy to talk to anyone." I lied. There was only one person that actually made me feel happy to see. That person, I only saw for a few hours - and only once a week.

"You're a liar and we all know that. Talk to me, H, what's new?"

"Absolutely nothing, D. Is that all? Can I go now?" Both my eyes and jaw closed tightly.

"You know, you're not that fun to be around anymore; and no."

"Great, that's exactly what I was aiming for. Now piss off, because we're both well aware that I can just hang up on you."

"Oh I know, it's wonderful; but, now that's out of your system, let's go get some frozen yogurt." He said, and like earlier, I could picture his eyes lighting up at his own suggestion. I couldn't help but shake my head at his words, showing a slight smile to myself. It were the things like this, that assured me he was a pure soul on the inside - a kindhearted person who just wanted to gift the world with happiness.

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