17. we've got bad reputation?

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17. we've got bad reputation?

Confident - Demi Lovato"it's time to get the chains out, is your tongue tied up? cause this is my ground, and i'm dangerous, and your can get out,"

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Confident - Demi Lovato
"it's time to get the chains out, is your tongue tied up? cause this is my ground, and i'm dangerous, and your can get out,"


Spencer stood at his locker, getting out his notebook and textbook when he shoves it into his bag when he sees Finn going into the choir room, "what's so funny?"

Kurt, Tina, Artie and Mercedes are crowded around a laptop when Spencer and Finn day down behind them, "you guys aren't watching the video of me falling off stage at my first TinyTots beauty pageant, are you?"

Jessie and Rachel made their way towards Finn and Spencer when Spencer smiled at Jessie then at Rachel, "that was carrot top funny compared to this comedic tour de force,"

Jessie leaned in, "that's Olivia Newton-John's physical, it was pretty groundbreaking subject matter at the time," Spencer turned his head at Jessie, "considering its depiction of fluid sexuality,"

Mercedes looks up at Spencer, "oh, my god.." Spencer looked at the laptop, "wait, wait, that's not Olivia Newton John," Spencer smirks, "that's, that's Sue Sylvester,"

Finn turns towards Kurt and Mercedes, "where did you get this?" Kurt looked up at the two brothers, "i can tell you that i certainly did not steal it from her locker cabinet yesterday when she sent me back to her office to get hormone replacement injection during cheerios! practice,"

Spencer chuckled, patting Kurt's shoulder, "this is actually really funny," Artie looked at them, "wait, did she just do the cabbage patch?"

Spencer snorts when he covered his mouth when he couldn't help but laugh more, "i'm posting this on YouTube," Finn leans towards the laptop, "no, no, wait, wait.."

Rachel looked at them, "do you think that's a good idea? she might kill us," Spencer looked at Rachel, "oh, let her get a taste of some of the humiliation she put us through,"

Spencer looked at his brother, "i'm with Finn on this, you guys need to actually stop being such asses and start being bad-asses," Finn smirks at his brother, "ten bucks it goes viral by lunch,"

Finn holds the laptop on his laptop, "thirty it goes viral next period," Spencer held out his hand when Finn shook Spencer's hand.


"what's a glist?" Spencer looked over Brittany's shoulder to see himself, Rachel rolled her eyes as she held onto Jessie's hand, "it's a stupid list of everyone in glee in order of who's hot and who's not based on sexual promiscuity."

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